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Teaching classes for those who want to learn how to teach others

The goal is to make teachers. How we will do this is by having those in our classes practice teaching soul-saving material with members of our group.

How you will learn to teach?

A. We will have an interactive group setting. The group head instructor will teach the first class when new material needs to be introduced.  


During the first class, the teacher will outline effective teaching methods and things to avoid/mistakes in teaching. During each future class, the students who are trained in the method will briefly highlight the teaching format to the new student(s).  The students will have gone over the material enough to know enough to detail how it works.

When preparing to come to class: bring your Bible or Bible app that you can use on your cell phone or tablet. Have something for taking notes, and a writing utensil for your studies. You will find the teaching style that you develop and the growth you gain in the classes will go hand in hand with the amount of time you invest in these classes. Your attendance and your teaching work will build skills for a lifetime. With time this class format will help you develop your teaching "persona."​ As you progress in teaching you will gain/grow in experience/confidence. With time you will be able to move forward and teach non-Christians/new converts.

B. After the group forms and people meet and greet one another. The group will then be split into mini groups of 2 students. As a class finishes, the student-teacher relationship will rotate. The student will be the teacher for the next time. 


It will be emphasized that the student does not have to be perfect or do everything right. The goal is to get their feet wet in teaching. The students will begin to grow and develop as they teach more and more. It's a process.

C. After each class, a student who has not taught will be asked to teach for the next class. The goal is to slowly acclimate/get the student comfortable with filling a teaching slot. ​ We want women to be teachers too. When we get together, our Christian sisters (who are willing to teach) will have opportunities to teach the ladies within our group.

Christian Bible Study Concepts. Christian friends read and study the bible together in the

The teaching format a teacher in this group will outline. 

Let me first say all of the below is optional. You can take what you like and use it if wished. This is my teaching style. When you teach others, you'll develop and get a feel for your own teaching persona. The below can be used for groups of 2 or for larger groups.

A. Open the class with prayer. The teacher will ask for prayer requests. Prayer is powerful, it's part of the NT pattern and it bonds the student(s) in the class. The teacher will either write down the prayer requests (before he leads the prayer) or he will ask another person in the group to lead the prayer.  

B. The teacher will go around the table/ circle of chairs or other seated arrangement and have the student(s) read a section of the lesson book material, then ask the student who read the content, a question concerning what was just read. 


The teacher can also read and participate in this scenario. However, the focus will still be on the student and on getting him/her to participate and answer questions. 

C. When a verse(s) comes up during the reading of the content, the teacher will ask a student to turn to that passage and read the passage. If it is more than one passage, the instructor will ask different students to read the various passages. Its good to ask the student questions concerning what he/she just read. This will help them learn and keep them engaged. 

D. If questions within the lesson material come up, (circle answers, fill in the blank, etc.), the teacher will ask the students for the answers. If there is a Bible passage involved (with one of the questions) the teacher will ask a student or the class as a whole, to turn to that passage and ask for the answer.

E. The teacher from time to time, can ask the class if they have any questions or thoughts they want to share. Be generous with your praise, (when appropriate). Let the students feel valued for what they contribute to the class.

F. The goal is to keep the Bible study (not including prayer) no more than an hour long. Of course, there are extenuating circumstances, like if a non-Christian wants to know more about the plan of salvation, etc. But this is a good rule of thumb.


The goal of a teacher is to also encourage interaction. The best way to be engaging and keep students' minds engaged is by asking questions and by involving the students, (passing out Bibles, leading a prayer, etc.)

G. Complement the correct answers. Be tactful and respectful when answers are wrong. 

H. Close the class with a prayer. (Optional) 


It's not that hard, I've had people who have never really taught, with no class prep teach classes.  The process: The teacher simply asks a student to read a paragraph then the teacher discusses what was read. He may ask a question about what was read. Then rinse and repeat for the next paragraph. When a Bible verse comes up the teacher asks the student to read it. If there is a fill-in-the-blank section requiring looking up a Bible verse or another exercise, the teacher asks the student to do the exercise.


If there is a discussion question the teacher asks the students to share their ideas. A good lesson book will outline what a teacher should do, all the teacher needs to do is follow the outline and ask the student or students to go through the outlined content with the teacher. A good teacher puts the weight of teaching on the students. He has them read the sections, answer the questions, fill in the blanks, and look up the Bible passages, etc. If the teacher has more than one student, he can rotate these interactions between each student. Books like Home Bible Study by Johnie Edwards are a good format for well-outlined Bible lessons for teachers. See below to learn more.



Concepts taught by the Teacher:

Ways to interact with student

A. Let me ask you a question. How did Jesus teach? Was it always in plain words or did he use images to better convey a meaning? Did Jesus also ask questions when He taught? Think about it for a few seconds before responding.

A good teacher helps the students come to the answer themselves. The teacher guides, by asking questions and by having the students turn to Bible passages to find answers. A good teacher does not lecture, he has the student discover the truths, through his guidance. Don't tell the students anything, that they can see for themselves. Guide them to the answers. 

Walk them through the scriptures. Have the students answer their own questions by turning to Bible passages you give them. They learn more effectively by this method.

Students are more likely to believe it, act upon it, and do it, when they learn it for themselves. 

What does the Bible say?: 

When they ask a Bible question, take the emphasis off of you. "Say that's a good question,  what does the Bible say?" And have them turn to a Bible passage that answers that question. When you do this you put the emphasis on God and His Word and off of yourself. You don't want the student to think that's the teacher's opinion. But that the details they learn are coming from the Bible's authority/God alone.

Types of questions: 

(Source: Resources and Techniques for Evangelism - Tim Wilkes II)


a. When asked a "curiosity question," and you don't know, don't be afraid to say, I don't know. You can always get back to them later after you research the answer or get help from a Bible friend/teacher. You can always respond, "that's a great question, I don't know, let me get back to you on that." :)

b. When asked an "important question," like what is the mark of the beast, but it is not pertinent to the material presently being conveyed...though it is Biblical it is irrelevant to the content being presented. You can say, something like this, "that's a great question, I'm glad you are interested in this topic, when we are done with this lesson material, let's study on that."

c. When someone asks a "premature question." Examples: When someone asks, right off the bat, "do I need to be baptized," yet you have not covered, the Bible verses on Jesus' death/resurrection, the need for belief, repentance, and confession. Or they ask, "Are instruments in worship wrong?" When the class has not covered Bible authority and the end of the Old Law, (OT used instruments/NT does not), etc.  If certain elements are not covered first, they have no context for the one-word answers you will give. You can say “That is a good question let's see what the Bible says.” Then starting at the beginning, during that class or another class. You can go over (from the Bible) the foundational verses to help that person understand the questions that they are asking. Whenever answering a Bible question, have them turn in the Bible to the passage that has the answer to answer their own question for themselves.  

3. Why ask for the "Salvation Story."

A. Before sharing the Bible's teaching on salvation, you can ask the student to share their "salvation story."


You can have the student(s) write down how they were saved. Tell them to list everything they did for salvation. Where they were saved and when they were saved.


When they write one of your questions down, ask them to share that question with you and the class. After you've finished teaching the plan of salvation, you will know their "salvation" history. You'll know if they were sprinkled, baptized as a baby, had the Holy Spirit baptism, confessed their sins, said the sinner's prayer, etc.

I had a lady who said "I was baptized," after teaching her the plan of salvation. But I remembered before the lesson, she said she had prayed the sinner's prayer to be saved. Then was baptized 3 days later to celebrate an event at the Rock church. I reminded her of what she said. I had her look at what she wrote, where it said she was saved by saying the sinner's prayer, and then was baptized 3 days later. The lady recognized she was not saved. She was baptized for the right reason that very hour.


You can download the card here (WORD/PDF) to use with any salvation curriculum you want to use.

4. The importance of grounding/inclusion/training

A. Retention of new converts comes through grounding them weekly. Even up to 3 times a week is fine. A new Christian should be grounded in homes (also great for showing hospitality as well) or other social settings for at least 3 years, if possible. You, your preacher, or other evangelism team workers/teachers can help with this.

B. Inclusion matters for retention, encourage the leaders at church to include new converts in worship or duties like helping with teaching kids, making the Lord's Supper bread, etc. Include them in spiritual activities outside of the church, like Bible studies, singing devotionals, etc. Include them in evangelism events, meetings, etc. Inclusion builds bonds and that leads to the 3rd point...

C. Training, helps to cement their bonds as a group with the Lord's people. Being included in God's work helps them feel like they belong and are a part of something. When a new convert invests their time, energy, and emotions into His work, they are more likely to grow strong, than to grow weak and fall away. Train them to become teachers, to do evangelism events, to share Jesus, to be hospitable, to actively attend church, and help in spiritual work within and without worship.

We will go over ways and scenarios to apply these concepts within this group. For more details on new convert mentorship please see my strategy page.

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Ideas for meet-up places: 

A. Coffee shops and wifi study spots like Starbucks and Panera Bread.

B. Internet/Wifi fast food restaurants, like Chick-fil-A, Mcdonald's, Burger King, etc.​

C. Dine in restaurants where you can study like IHOP and Village Inn.

D. Homes: Teacher or student's home(s)


E. Libraries, (study rooms, study areas, reserved rooms).


D. The Church building


E. College libraries, bookstores, cafeterias, etc.

F. Malls: Food courts or Starbucks in malls, etc.

What materials will we use?

I will highlight the best Bible study materials I could find. You don't have to study all these lessons with the group. I just want to highlight the best Bible study lessons out there. It's best to pick one and have your group familiarize themselves with an effective curriculum for soul saving and a curriculum for grounding (teaching new Christians essential fundamentals for growth). You may wish to only use one source since some lessons do both.


The students should practice teaching these lessons and get used to the content. When a non-Christian/new convert is ready to be taught the members of the group will be equipped to teach.

My group will have soul-saving classes and training meetings monthly. See the blog on Friendship evangelism to learn more.

The curriculum we will use for soul saving will come from content by evangelist Jon Rowe. He uses StarBibles. The StarBible method is in-depth. There is no official material that outlines it in detail on how to use this content. I've outlined how our group will use the StarBible in our evangelism (work) journal blog here. Once you go to the blog, Scroll down till you see Jon Rowe and the StarBible curriculum. ​


The grounding curriculum will come from Johnie Edward's Home Bible Study course lesson series. We will use their Bible course sheets. To learn more Johnie Edwards's Bible lessons are detailed below.



Excellent Bible study lesson resources:


Click on the below material's underlined name, for example, "One Shot: 3 Card Salvation Plan"

to go to a store or to the link places for free download.


Class lesson Curriculum:

A. "One Shot: 3-Card Salvation Plan" by Joseph Sullivan

(Also in Spanish

Free - Print out  If you can, use hard paper. 

Click on the link above to learn how to use the material. We'll cover this more in class. 

​Has "salvation story"


B. "Back to the Bible," by Bobby Bate

(Also in Spanish)

​Has "salvation story"


Materials for proof of God/Bible integrity (in place of creeds).

C. "Believe in the Bible" by Rob Whitacre

(For people who don't believe in God or the Bible, atheists, agnostics, Hindus, Islam, etc.​​


D. From Apologetic Press: Lesson 8

"The Inspiration of the Bible"

Short lesson study on prophecy to prove Bible inspiration.

Download/Print this free material out for our studies in the Bible class.​​


E.   "Home Bible Study" by Johnie Edwards

You can get the book or the Bible lesson courses. Comparing the two, it's much cheaper to get the lesson courses.

I personally like using the courses when studying with non-Christians. These students can look through the book and read ahead before we have them fill out the "salvation story."

For more info on using this content, and the "salvation story," please see my page resource link on this topic.

Another good book to use afterward, that is good for training new converts is Growing In Grace & Knowledge


F."Grounding Principles on Salvation, the Church/Bible Authority and Bible Study."

By Joseph Sullivan

Free book PDF or Word download. 


G. "Laying the Tracks: Marking Paths through your Bible Verse by Verse" by Adam Shanks 

This is a very distinct and excellent study lesson. It will give you skills to last a lifetime. Please read the "How to use this book" section before class. Then please download the track "content list," to place in your Bible. You can download/print it at


H. "Open Bible Study" by Ivan Stewart


The following is not to be used in studying with non-Christians/new converts. The material is meant to help familiarize the student with different religious views a contact may have.

I. "Traditions of Men VS the Word of God" by Alvin Jennings.  

Creedism gives uninspired men religious authority. By advocating what God is silent in, (from the scriptures), creedism says the Bible is lacking.  Alvin Jennings, booklet is a good study aid to help you get familiar with denominational beliefs, which in turn can help you in your Bible studies.

Supplemental: Joseph Sullivan's Bible study cards.


Print them out as bookmarks in your Bible. We will study these (free PDF file) cards in our class. 


Bible study class assignment for our group: 

Please get the book "Muscle and Shovel by Michael Shank."

We will be giving this book to the new converts, after initially grounding them in classes, to further ground them after they have studied with us (first) on NT principles. The teachers need to be familiar with this content.

New converts I've given this book to have been helped by this book. I have had some with tears in their eyes say how much this Bible-based book has helped them in the study of the Word.

Some read this thick book in one day. This is a great aide to use, (along with new convert class Bible studies). 

New Christians converting non-Christians

2 Timothy 2:2

The non-Christian and new convert material we use to train students will be the same material used for saving non-Christians and for grounding our new converts we save through God's grace.

Once we bring someone to the Lord, as a newly saved Christian, we will add them to the group to (in turn) save others. Having them join in evangelism work will help them grow strong spiritually, by building ties with the saints (in the group) and by reinforcing their learning of key concepts of what the Bible teaches. Inclusion matters in helping retain God's new Christians within the faith. We all want to feel valued. And they ARE. These mentioned activities will help the new converts develop and mature as saints and soul winners.

As more people are added to the group, (from soul saving and as members from different churches of Christ) we will require more groups and more leaders for these groups.

As new leaders emerge, new groups will expand in our area. As these leaders (who are trained in setting up groups) move to different locations in the US and elsewhere, they will be able to make new groups in those places.


End Goal: This work will plant the seeds, long after we are gone. The training will make leaders in evangelism as well as self-reliant workers who know how to do outreach independently of any church, group, or support system.

The goal is to teach others (evangelism mentorship). And in turn, have them trained enough to have them, in turn, teach others (in matters of evangelism mentorship).

Church planting themes will also be taught. As the students move across America for work, marriage, etc. they will be given the detailed knowledge, training, motivation, and encouragement to plant a church in their area.

Churches are dying across the US. The goal is to train people who in turn will train other people. And in turn, such trained saints will know how to save souls, mentor others, and have the skillset to plant a church. The end goal is to have new churches planted in the 50 states of America by the seeds planted through the work of this evangelism training group.


The evangelism workshop classes, Bible study group teaching sessions, and outreach event activities are free. But each student needs to pay for the study lesson book for the current training session. The cost of a book for students for a specific class session tends to be around 5 dollars for digital and 10 dollars for physical copies. A physical copy is preferred (for filling out the study book's questions).

We will let the student know what to purchase/download. They will be notified via text or email. 

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