Iglesia de Cristo
Sección uno
Esta página explica el propósito de este blog.
El contenido detalla las razones por las cuales necesitamos hacer evangelización.
Tenemos definida la misión y la estructura del grupo.
Nuestro grupo discutió y compartió las actitudes de un ganador de almas semejante a Cristo.
Repasamos las clases de "enseñar a enseñar".
Y delinear la evangelización de eventos (específicamente, la extensión al campus y al gimnasio).
No se come un elefante de un bocado. Ni tampoco una cena de Acción de Gracias. Tómate tu tiempo, lee una pequeña sección o mira un video al día o cada dos días, incluso una vez por semana. Ve a tu propio ritmo. Intenta concentrarte en un bocado a la vez y digerir el contenido.
A medida que avanza lentamente en este contenido, intente aplicar lo que lee y ve.
Descubrirás que habrás crecido a medida que comas lo que tienes delante, bocado a bocado.
Te animo a leer este gran artículo motivacional aquí .
Formación online y grabación de grupos
Esta página brindará vías de aplicación, estudio y análisis a través de la formación en línea. También compartiremos grabaciones que puedan animar, enseñar y motivar a los estudiantes e interesados.
Tendremos videos de evangelización para motivar, enseñar y animar. Habrá documentos grupales de "cómo hacer", para ayudar a educar. El grupo compartirá datos grabados para su revisión, reflexión y estudio.

Nuestros videos de evangelismo
Los videos iniciales detallarán los "por qué" y las diversas razones importantes para hacer evangelismo. Esta página también detallará más de qué se trata este grupo. Qué esperar al inscribirse. Por último, a medida que el grupo comience a realizar el trabajo de capacitación y divulgación, grabaremos y registraremos las actividades de evangelismo que se realicen. Estas grabaciones servirán como ayudas didácticas útiles para el equipo de evangelismo mientras realizan el trabajo de compartir a Jesús. Las grabaciones también pueden ser motivadoras y alentadoras para los miembros del grupo de evangelismo. Las personas de fuera de nuestro grupo podrán aprender de nuestras grabaciones y sentirse animadas por el contenido de la capacitación. Los animo a leer este excelente video motivacional. artículo

01 Razones por las cuales...
¿Por qué es necesario hacer evangelismo? Aquí hay algunas razones...
Souls are going to Hell. The churches of Christ are dying across the US. We need leaders to step up and challenge kingdom culture to make evangelism part of the work of the Lord's people, as it once was.
O2 Cómo hacer evangelismo...
Detallaremos las formas de hacer evangelización dentro del grupo...
El objetivo es que cada persona se involucre. El grado de participación depende de cada una de ellas. Pero el objetivo es formar líderes dentro de este grupo. Y eso significa profesores, capacitadores, organizadores de eventos, etc.
Las clases de taller, clases de enseñanza y eventos de actividades de evangelización inicialmente estarán a cargo del líder del grupo, luego a cada estudiante (si está dispuesto) se le dará el apoyo y la capacitación para enseñar las clases grupales y organizar un evento de evangelización.
Con el tiempo, a medida que nuevos conversos se unan a nuestro grupo y tengamos nuevos miembros del COC, aquellos enseñados estarán listos para ocupar posiciones de liderazgo, en la capacitación de nuevos miembros dentro del grupo.
El siguiente contenido de video también detallará sus opciones como miembros de este grupo de evangelización.

Blog de evangelización de formación

Detallamos los objetivos para el año y destacamos los tipos de actividades que realizaremos. El material es fluido. Los instructores pueden hacer cambios a medida que pasa el tiempo y este trabajo evoluciona o pueden cambiar el material según lo consideren necesario por otros motivos.
El discurso del instructor fue sobre lo que es el espíritu de evangelismo. Mencionamos que esta obra es un cambio generacional. Que cada miembro necesita tener la actitud de Jesús con respecto a esta obra.
Descargar discurso ( documento Word o PDF )
Lo que hablamos es sobre la dinámica de esta obra, las diversas actividades de capacitación y temas de evangelización que seguiremos para nutrir al grupo y traer a otros a Su reino.
Descargue la plantilla del plan de juego de evangelización ( documento Word o PDF)
Consejo de evangelización:
Para ayudarle a prepararse para hablar de la Biblia con los perdidos, comience por hablar con sus amigos cristianos, familiares y hermanos de la iglesia. Cuanto más haga estas actividades, más natural se volverá. Y más fácil será la transición para hablar casualmente con Jesús con aquellos que conoce fuera de la fe.
Nuestra primera reunión de evangelismo:
Instructores JP Flores y Joseph Sullivan
Sello de tiempo de la reunión 5 de diciembre de 2023
We meet for the team to meet the instructors and get to know each group member. Our goals...
Were to discover/ask each member to introduce themselves and to share their reasons for wanting to share Christ. And their goals for wanting to do evangelism. The instructor asked one of the team members to write these down/or record the group's responses. We asked the group these questions to tailor the group to meet their needs. And to use these goals from the group as our mission statements for our work. (We will repeat this process for when we have a new member) The written/or recorded words (of name and reasons/goals) will be summed up and rewritten on the computer in large, easy-to-read writing.
Once done the mission statements are shared in a public way for the group to see. The document will be printed out on hard paper and placed where the members can see and be reminded of their commitments/goals/interests. This will also be shared on our online group forum at Slack.com. This is great for networking/coordinating activities and sharing news, (though the platform does take content down after 90 days, so if you want to preserve teaching materials for training others, sharing content on such platforms like a website, is also good. I use Wix. It's easy to use, just drag and drop pictures, etc.) I am using this webpage to share training materials with the team I am working with. But this content can also help others who are interested in evangelism work.
The team prayer document will also be emailed to the students and they will be encouraged to pray for each team member's goals and reasons for doing evangelism. There is power in prayer. This activity also builds a sense of unity as a team. It embodies what a supportive group should be in spirit. And helps us support one another as a group of servants for Jesus.
The importance of prayer: The greatest force in nature is God. In the work we do against hell, the world's tests and devil's schemes is found in faith and in prayer. Team assignment: Print out our group's prayer sheet. Place in a place where you can see it first thing in the morning, like a bathroom mirror, or bedroom bookcase, etc. Pray for our team's goals daily. The Christlike attitudes of a servant is found in prayer. Jesus regularly gave God His time to support others in prayer. Humble men and women lift others up. The best evangelists are those who build up the kingdom through prayer. And the more we give (spiritually), the more we receive, (spiritually). Mark 4:21-25 If you are not on the sheet, add your goals and dreams to it. Pray for your own visions and hopes for your desires of serving Jesus in soul saving. When you pray for others you will grow in faith and your team will grow in strength. When you pray for your own goals, they will grow deep roots. Your goals will become more crystallized, focused, and clear, as you work towards meeting your dreams. Prayer will bond us to each other, to the cause of soul saving, and give aid to our group as we do our Father's work.
Nuestros materiales de formación:

Nuestra segunda reunión de evangelismo: Primera clase de “enseñar a otros a enseñar”.
Instructores JP Flores y Joseph Sullivan
Marca de tiempo de la reunión del 12 de diciembre de 2023
JP Flores y yo mismo (Joseph Sullivan) enseñamos cómo utilizar el método de enseñanza " One Shot: Plan de Salvación de 3 Cartas". Para aprender más sobre cómo enseñar este material, mira el video de nuestra primera clase de "enseñando a otros a enseñar". También puedes aprender sobre este material y sus beneficios, así como acceder al archivo de forma gratuita para descargarlo en este enlace. enlace .
Estas tarjetas también están en español. Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para obtener más información.

Segunda clase de “enseñar a enseñar” JP Flores nos comparte su estilo de enseñanza.
Instructores JP Flores y Joseph Sullivan
Marca de tiempo de la reunión del 14 de diciembre de 2023
JP Flores comparte una excelente capacitación sobre cómo realizar estudios con contactos. Aprenda a enseñar sin utilizar material didáctico ni una Biblia física. Vea el video y lea la descripción a continuación. Para obtener más información sobre los excelentes talleres de evangelismo de JP (además de lo que está haciendo aquí), visite este enlace para ver sus lecciones/sermones.
JP Flores has studied with 1,000's of people. However, when asked "How many people have YOU saved?" he says zero. For this man, the power is in the Word and it's God who brings in the results. (1 Cor 3:6) This man has been doing evangelism for a few years, (yet through God's working and through having a crucified nature, to ego and self (Galatians 2:20) JP is one of the best evangelists I've come across. The Father has used him to add about 30 new souls to His kingdom within a year. I've worked with people from across the country and with folks who have been doing this work for 50 years. I've not found anyone who has the experience or knowledge that he does. What I am trying to say, is simply, to study the videos he's sharing. I learn each time I watch his evangelism training lessons. For Thursday night's class 12.14.23, JP shared his teaching styles. We've covered the importance of asking questions and getting the salvation story. We'll go deeper into non-Christian teaching formats in future classes.
In the first part of the video, JP shows how to get someone (who does not know the books of the Bible) to find a Bible passage, using a cell phone Bible app. I have used Bible reference cards within a Bible and Bible page numbers written in my lesson books. But this process is simpler and easier to use. As well as more versatile. For better detail and reflection. Watch the above video. It is meaty and worth mentally digesting. JP does a demo class on how he teaches non-Christians. We are role-played the "non-Christians."
Outline: of teaching format:
A. JP asks before the study, for the person to prepare for the class by reading an assigned passage 5 times. He says the Word of God is powerful, active, and alive. (Hebrews 4:12) The more they let a passage penetrate their hearts the better. Receiving God's message and rereading it is powerful. The student is investing in the process, physically, emotionally, and mentally. When people put something of themselves into a study, it gives them, he says a "feeling of ownership" that they are part of something. When people invest, they feel more connected to the process. When people invest, they feel more connected to the process. This is why using people in Bible class is also important. You will see in the video that his teaching format is very interpersonal and interactive.
B. Preparation work: Beforehand, JP picks a passage, and reads and rereads that passage. He gets to know that passage. He has ideas he wants to share in the beginning, middle, and end of the selected passage. He's gone over the passage enough and reviews the context of the beginning, middle, and end, enough to know it by route. The good part about this type of teaching, is the more you do it, the easier it gets in using a selected passage. Or in doing this teaching format, period.
C. This may seem hard, but I encourage you to try it out. Practice making a "lesson" using this format. And then practice on someone you know, a wife, family member, or close friend. You'll get into the groove of this, faster than you might think. To get dialogue it is good to read things in the Bible, and ask them questions, like what you JP doing. :) Questions are a great way to teach others and get interactions. This format JP shows is excellent. It is something to step into after one learns how to teach lesson book materials and gets comfortable with teaching Bible lesson book materials.
D. The teaching format in the video is easy to use. You have a student read a small section of the passage, a few verses, and you ask them questions about what they read. Then you have another student or the same student, depending on the size of the class, to read the following few verses and you repeat the process, you ask them what they read. You keep doing this till you reach the end of the passage you have selected to use for teaching. By asking them questions about what they are reading, you're doing what Jesus did to teach. Our Lord asked questions to get people to think to help lead them to an answer. You'll see this teaching style more within the video.
When people are not TOLD the answer but read the Bible and are asked Bible questions to get them thinking and to get them guided by that question to a Bible answer, they feel "an ownership" to that answer. Because it came from them. JP says. When it comes to Bible study, let the Bible teach them. This process is more automated. You're simply letting the student, read the Bible and you're getting them to respond to what they're reading with Bible questions.
Read the gospels, and reflect on how often Jesus asked questions or told a story in response to a question. Most of the time, this was our Lord's format for teaching. When you don't answer a question, but instead....you have them find the answer, you're helping them teach themselves and invest in the material, (the Word of God). Asking questions makes the students feel involved, valued, and a part of something. Inclusion creates such feelings. Lecturing does not. We want people to invest in the process. Talking at a person through lecturing is not as effective as talking to them by having a discussion. Questions help with creating a personal communicative dialogue. Questions, done with love, are personal, connective, relationship-building. In teaching any format, questions should be used to get the student to think and interact with the teacher/material. We'll get into that more in future "teaching others to teach" classes. As well as share other types of teaching formats.
Tercera clase de capacitación sobre cómo enseñar a otros a enseñar. Joseph comparte la “Historia de la Salvación” y los elementos necesarios para el crecimiento de la iglesia.
Instructores JP Flores y Joseph Sullivan
Marca de tiempo de la reunión 12 de septiembre de 2024
Tenga en cuenta que hemos estado realizando muchas clases donde los estudiantes han estado enseñando lecciones bíblicas. Estos videos aquí son lecciones de capacitación que agregamos a estas clases de vez en cuando.
¿Por qué es importante aprender cómo alguien fue “salvado” antes de enseñarle? ¿Qué elementos son esenciales para la salud de la iglesia y su longevidad? Para más ideas sobre la salud de la iglesia, vea mi página de blog sobre plantación de iglesias .
Agregaré más contenido y videos al vendedor.
sección de capacitación laboral en las próximas semanas.
Cómo prepararse para trabajar como vendedor en un gimnasio:
Nota: esto es para el gimnasio Crunch. Pero otros gimnasios en todo Estados Unidos e incluso en el extranjero pueden realizar actividades similares.
Los pasos:
A. Vas a un lugar de Crunch y pides ser vendedor.
B. Les das tu correo electrónico y número de teléfono celular.
C. Se comunican contigo y te comparten un correo electrónico como el que aparece a continuación...
Vea los videos para más detalles.
Le pedí a Kyle de Crunch que compartiera información sobre esto. Vea el video a su derecha para ver lo que dice el gerente.
Un agradecimiento especial a Kyle por permitirme grabar esto . Los consejos que brinda son útiles para realizar este trabajo en Crunch.
Vea las imágenes a continuación para tener una idea de cómo se organizan este tipo de eventos.
Crunch promociona nuestro sitio web en sus plataformas de redes sociales y en sus televisores. Entre 500 y 800 personas asisten durante los días de sus eventos (Día de los Veteranos, Día de la Amistad, etc.). Organizan eventos dos veces al mes. Las fiestas de los eventos comienzan a las 5:00 p. m. y terminan a las 8:00 p. m. Los vendedores pueden trabajar durante estos horarios.
Crunch tiene varios gimnasios y los vendedores pueden instalarse en todos los gimnasios en los que quieran trabajar en las áreas que elijan. Hay 11 gimnasios en el área de Tampa Bay o cerca de ella. Cada uno recibe entre 500 y 800 visitantes por las noches durante los eventos de las fiestas de Crunch. Si un grupo de evangelización puede conseguir suficientes trabajadores (un líder de equipo y 1 o 2 personas por ubicación) para trabajar durante esas 4 horas, entonces el alcance puede ser considerable.
Ahora bien, es posible que otros formatos de gimnasios en los EE. UU. o en el mundo sean diferentes, pero esto te da una idea de los beneficios del trabajo de proveedor de gimnasios. Preparación del equipo: los miembros del grupo (que estén interesados) deben aprender a enseñar a otros. Algunos miembros, cuando estén listos y capacitados, pueden dirigir una ubicación de proveedor. Profundizaremos en este tema en futuras publicaciones y videos.
Es bueno planificar dónde quieres encontrarte buscando los lugares cercanos a ti. Puedes buscarlos en un mapa de un motor de búsqueda en Internet. La foto que aparece a continuación está en Google Maps.

Ejemplos de vendedores seculares que actúan en Crunch promocionando sus productos...

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beneficios de hacer este tipo de evento: He hecho trabajo en el campus y evangelismo callejero. Esto es más o menos lo mismo cuando tenemos tráfico peatonal, invitamos a las personas que vemos/con las que interactuamos a inscribirse para un estudio bíblico. Podemos tener una mesa en todos sus gimnasios, en esta área y en los alrededores. A medida que crezcamos, podemos expandirnos a otros gimnasios en la Bahía de Tampa y áreas circundantes. Gran oportunidad. Ningún gimnasio Crunch hace esto, excepto en Florida. Se reúnen dos veces al mes para tales actividades. Cientos de personas pasan por la puerta.

Elementos que necesitas para un evento de vendedor:
Nota: Tendré estos artículos listos para entregar a los miembros de nuestro grupo antes de nuestros primeros eventos de proveedores.
A continuación, repasaremos los siguientes temas con más detalle en nuestras clases de evangelización. Estos materiales se pueden utilizar para el trabajo de los vendedores en el gimnasio, pero también se pueden utilizar para eventos en campus, mercados de pulgas, ferias, visitas puerta a puerta, etc.
Things to bring to an evangelism event:
A. Clipboards and pens for getting Bible study signatures.
And have printed/made sign-up sheets. Another design sheet. This one asks for sign-up time. People can give their preferred time if interested. Sometimes names are hard to read. There are apps that help translate cursive and poorly penned names into text. Like Pen to Print. This makes it easier to read. To find other helpful resources type "handwriting recognition apps."
B. Small, light weight easy to carry with one hand, fold-up table.
C. Plastic sign holders. Some things to get people's attention. Here are signs (A. B.) I designed with Canva. They have redesigned templates with words and you can simply remove their words and add your own. I like simple signs. Like using the word "free" to draw people. Then when folks come to check out the free stuff, that's when I invite folks. We'll cover more ways in future posts. Feel free to download the sign templates and use them as you want.
D. The "free stuff." I have cards (A. B.) about our Bible study group, (if they want to learn more and sign up later for a study). I use Canva, they have card templates, all you do is fill in the words they have with your own. You can download the cards and have Staples print new cards out or you can easily design your own cards on Canva, (they also print) using our evangelism cards as a guide.
You can also download these cards (in PDF file or other formats) on Canva. A. B. Though you need to first sign up and make an account. It's free. Just click on the desired card above, "A." or "B." that you want to access, then once at Canva, click the "file" button or the "share" button to get the card, you will first be prompted to sign up for a free account.
For my evangelism team, I'll also have cards for you to use. But I encourage you, in the long run, to be as self-sufficient in this process as possible. We want you to be completely self-reliant in all areas, (as you progress over time).
E. I have spiritual books folks might like, like Muscle and Shovel. These books have grounded new converts and have saved souls. Also, Apologetic Press has an excellent study Bible called, "AP Defending the Faith Bible Personal-Carry." It details proof of God and soul-saving themes in its notes. If you buy in bulk you can get them for cheap. This is good for various outreach events, including campus work.
I also buy bulk packs of different WVBS DVDs. The DVDs range from things like science, the meaning of life, etc. The goal is to not convert them through these items, though such materials have saved souls. The goal is to pique their interest and get them to engage you. To come over and ask questions. Waving, smiling, and greeting people are other ways of getting people's attention. To get interactions requires being active, not passive. Sitting down is passive. And looking up at people is not a positive way to do social interactions.
F. I may bring a small Bible. If they have questions. Or use my Bible app. I normally encourage people to sign up for a Bible study if they have questions. But if they really want an answer then and don't want to study, I will have my Bible ready to help answer their questions.
No matter what words you use to start the conversation, the end goal is to ask them to “sign up for a Bible study.” This is more effective than having Bible discussions at the event or in passing out material. Though both aspects are important for building rapport and for getting conversations going. As well as for sharing valued truths. The end result and focus should still be focused on getting signatures for Bible studies.
The reason why: when you meet someone, who has signed up for a Bible class, you're in the (authority) role of a teacher and they're in the student role. This is more effective than in just having a two-way conversation on the street or on campus. Or at the gym as a vendor, etc.
Also, there are no social distractions common in doing infield work, when meeting for a study. I prefer studies with one or two other people. Meeting a contact for a study makes this possible. Group discussions however at an evangelism event, can turn into a debate sometimes if you're not careful. With other people watching and with those talking not having Bibles, this social dynamic can be counterproductive.
Although I do not discourage social interaction or Bible talks, or praying with someone, etc. (you wil find that people will ask to be prayed for). Such activities in these social settings can build strong connections among the participants and are still worthwhile if the interest is there. Yet for this outreach work, the main goal should be to get Bible study signatures. If people show an interest for having a Bible discussion, they can be asked, (after some social interplay and discussion) to sign up for a study, “to talk on this matter more.”
Our evangelism class will go over different vendor activities. But if you want to read ahead, which is encouraged, or if you're reading this and you're not part of this group, you can read the book "Making It Work: Three Proven Techniques for Evangelism." The book details everything you need to know for setting up vendor work in different locations, like colleges, and streets. The tips can be applied to all vendor activities.
Preguntas Preguntar una vez que hayas empezado a trabajar como vendedor de gimnasios (en Crunch)
Ubicaciones de Crunch cerca o en el área de la Bahía de Tampa.
Este es un documento modelo diseñado para nuestro grupo. Animo a nuestro grupo a leerlo.
Este documento también puede utilizarse como ayuda didáctica para otros grupos interesados.
Se detalla cómo configurar un evento una vez que un grupo se registra como proveedor en Crunch.

Learn how to set up vendor work and get Bible study contacts. 📖
Timestamp of meeting January 11th 2024
Note: When I say (in the video to) focus on getting Bible study contacts through getting signatures, I want to emphasize why this is important. If you talk with someone about spiritual things or study with someone at the vendor location you're at, still once done, they leave. You probably won't see them again. Even if they are baptized or accept spiritual truths, if you don't get their contact info, you'll still have no way to follow through.
Talking to people about spiritual things is fine. it builds rapport. Though try to steer certain topics that deal with doctrine and hard ideas, to having folks sign up for Bible studies. For any discussion or interaction try to have the end conclude with an invite to sign up for a Bible study.
We want to get contact info so we can have future interactions with them. Having a 5-minute discussion about spiritual things (or praying with someone) and having them leave, means you won't see them again. We want to do future studies with those we interact with. So discussions are fine and praying with people is fine, but let the end result be inviting people to sign up for a Bible study.
Use common sense. Avoid arguments and hot topics. If things go in that direction, steer people to sign up for a Bible study. This is a public forum and people are watching. You can talk about spiritual things. But if they really want to deep dive into a Bible theme, invite them to sign up for a study or (if you have others helping you at the table) you can go to a private place with that person to sit down (open up Bibles) and study the Word. This can be done anywhere we work, like at Flea Markets, Colleges, Fairs, etc. But make sure you ALSO get their contact info. Again, talking with folks about spiritual things, or praying with folks is fine, but steer things to a Bible study sign-up.
Having a Bible study puts you in a position of authority as a teacher. Doing a study puts the emphasis on God's word, (its authority) instead of just having a verbal spiritual discussion with someone. Doing a Bible study is in a controlled environment, like a coffee shop or a home. And such studies can be in a welcoming environment as well. A home and cooked meal is hospitable and makes people feel like they belong and are valued. Studies can build bonds with the teachers and contacts. Having a spiritual discussion with someone and having the person walk away, ends the meeting. But getting contact info means you may have other opportunities to interact with that person. A Bible study allows you to share resources that can save a soul and ground a person.

Las próximas clases de capacitación de proveedores hablarán sobre...
Formas de contactar con quienes se inscribieron y conocer los contactos.
Cómo prepararse en caso de que se produzcan contactos en la congregación local.
Durante estas clases, también hablaremos sobre las ubicaciones de los gimnasios, el voluntariado para nuestro próximo evento y el voluntariado para acompañar a quienes realizan estudios de seguimiento con contactos. Cuando estén listos, las personas también pueden ofrecerse como voluntarios para enseñar.
Esto no es una carrera, es un proceso y puedes avanzar a tu propio ritmo. Puedes hacer tanto o tan poco como desees. Estas son solo opciones que puedes considerar si así lo deseas.
Aspectos destacados de la clase
Contactando a aquellos que se inscribieron para una clase de estudio bíblico
Marca de tiempo de la reunión del 16 de enero de 2024
Our group discusses reaching contacts and meet-up locations for Bible studies. We also briefly discuss setting up a gym event and social interactions with those we meet at the gym.
Practicamos el envío de mensajes de texto a "contactos" enviando mensajes de texto a los miembros del equipo. La hoja de registro de nuestro grupo se utilizó para que la clase accediera a los números de teléfono para enviarse mensajes de texto entre sí. Se agregó una marca de verificación junto al nombre que iba a utilizar un miembro del grupo.
Las ubicaciones de nuestras áreas de trabajo (a través de un documento impreso) se comparten con el grupo (nombre y dirección). En la clase, se animó a nuestro equipo a buscar áreas cercanas al gimnasio para encontrar buenos lugares de encuentro para realizar estudios bíblicos.
Se solicitó tener direcciones de iglesias locales para compartir con contactos interesados que pregunten por un lugar de reunión para el culto. Esta es una buena idea. Para nuestra zona de la iglesia local, donde están los gimnasios, tendré una lista de las congregaciones. Si las personas asisten a un gimnasio y son miembros de un gimnasio local, es probable que puedan visitar una iglesia local. Pero también tendré recursos para iglesias fuera del estado y nacionales. Un agradecimiento especial por esta buena idea.
El documento se puede descargar Para estudio y uso, para eventos futuros. Puedes acceder a esta página y descargar el documento a tu celular para acceder fácilmente al interactuar con tus contactos.
Mira el video para obtener más detalles e información sobre nuestra clase de evangelización en el gimnasio. Quizás quieras tener un bolígrafo a mano para tomar notas. Lamentablemente, no se grabó todo el texto que leyó nuestro grupo. El teléfono celular se apagó, pero escuchaste a la primera persona leer y entendiste la idea.
Después de nuestros eventos: Cada miembro del equipo es contactado por un líder del equipo y se le anima a enviar un mensaje de texto a uno de los que se inscribieron para un estudio bíblico. Esto ayuda a enseñarles y aclimatarlos a este proceso. Vea la publicación de video anterior en esta página para conocer las formas de llegar a otros mediante mensajes de texto.
Preparándose para recibir visitantes de la iglesia
Marca de tiempo de la reunión del 23 de enero de 2024
La clase discutió:
A. Tener un plan de acción
B. Saludar a los visitantes
C. La importancia de la inclusión
D. Establecimiento de estudios bíblicos
E. La necesidad de hacer Hospitalidad
F. Las actitudes de la evangelización
G. Y más.
Un agradecimiento especial a JP Flores. El asesoramiento fue excelente. Este hombre es uno de los mejores. Vale la pena ver el vídeo.
Para obtener más ideas, recursos y material de estudio sobre este tema, consulte la página de estrategia de evangelización .

¡Un agradecimiento especial!

We had a great turnout that night. I so appreciate all who are doing this evangelism work with me. I also value deeply the leaders who are helping me head up this work. JP shared that night, exceptional ideas for church growth. The church he's at has doubled in size in 2 years. That is in part due to the evangelism leadership JP is doing at his local congregation.
I also want to thank my mom, Jeanne Sullivan. She's been hosting our groups twice a week for the last few months. We've gone through many storms of late. And mom's facing many battles. Yet despite all that, she's taking time to support this work. Mom attended our first evangelism gym event and got two signatures (for Bible studies).

Nuestro primer evento de evangelización con vendedores en el gimnasio:
Líderes del equipo JP Flores, Daniel Lookadoo y Joseph Sullivan
Marca de tiempo de la reunión del 30 de enero de 2024
Trabajamos (por la gracia de Dios) en 3 gimnasios Crunch. Además, otras personas fuera de nuestro grupo hicieron este trabajo en Land O Lakes y están planeando hacer este trabajo en Riverside. La noche en que trabajamos fue el 30 de enero de 5 a 8 p. m. Cientos de personas visitaron los gimnasios Crunch. Fue el evento de fiesta corporativa del gimnasio, donde tienen una temática (fútbol, Halloween, Día de los Veteranos, Día de San Valentín, etc.) y el personal se viste de acuerdo a ella.
Durante este tiempo, los vendedores pueden configurar y compartir su contenido y productos. Llegamos a muchas personas. Cada equipo compartió materiales relacionados con la Biblia y sembró semillas en la tierra ( Lucas 8:1-15) . Iniciamos conversaciones y repartimos libros y DVD para salvar almas y nuestra información de contacto. Se hicieron oraciones. Se obtuvieron firmas para los estudios.
Además, Crunch también tomó fotografías de los vendedores para compartirlas en las redes sociales en algunos lugares.
La gente vio cómo se supone que deben ser los cristianos del NT. Vieron amor y compasión. Vieron a personas que compartían a Jesús. Practicamos la Gran Comisión.
Eso en sí mismo es una victoria.
Actualización: Tuvimos una charla bíblica con un joven de Cuba durante 3 horas en nuestro cuarto evento de gimnasio. Esto lo llevó a bautizarse, a tener más estudios bíblicos y a hacerse miembro de la iglesia.
Daniel Lookadoo dirigió Crunch en Hillsborough con gente fantástica.
Aquí está la grabación del vídeo de Crunch.
Joseph Sullivan dirigió Crunch en Carrolwood con un gran equipo.
Aquí está la grabación del vídeo de Crunch.
Reflexiones sobre la evangelización de gimnasios con vendedores
Note: When I talk about invites: the stats are not written in stone. 20 invites are the maximum invites for a result. They are ceiling numbers. A person can invite someone and the 3rd person says yes, etc.

Un agradecimiento especial a quienes hicieron este trabajo.
You came out and shared Jesus. You took time to go to our group activities, like prep class and evangelism study groups. You could have done a thousand things. But you loved Jesus and the lost enough to sacrifice your time and energy for our Father and for His Son. You make this group what it is. Thank you for all you're doing. Also thank you to those who headed this work up and who are teaching in our group. You all are precious and valued.

Se trata de la Palabra:
No se trata de perfección: el objetivo es compartir la Palabra. El objetivo no es cautivar a los demás con carisma, elocuencia o poder. Puedes verme a mí, el que dirige la clase (Joseph Sullivan). No soy ninguna de esas cosas.
Sin embargo, Dios me ha usado y ha salvado almas. La Palabra es lo que salva. Como dice Pablo en 1 Corintios 2:1-5
Porque es el evangelio el que salva, no el hombre. Romanos 1:16
Ahora bien, no hay nada de malo en ser como (el elocuente) Apolos. Hechos 18:24-28
Y querer mejorar como docente.
No hay nada de malo en hablar con carisma, poder y elocuencia. Pero el énfasis y la fe en la salvación de las almas deben estar en la Palabra. Y nuestra actitud debe reflejar eso. Es la Palabra la que salva, nosotros somos solo sus vasos. 1 Corintios 3:6-8
Cualquiera puede enseñar. Si yo puedo hacerlo, cualquiera puede hacerlo. Y si Dios puede usarme para traer gente a su reino, Él puede usar a cualquiera. Cuando dejamos de poner el énfasis en nosotros mismos y lo ponemos en la Palabra, y nos esforzamos por honrar a Dios en la manera en que enseñamos su verdad, es cuando se produce un verdadero crecimiento y es cuando Dios verdaderamente obrará en nosotros.
Quiero compartir esta verdad, porque muchos santos creen que tienen que tener un conocimiento perfecto o ser maestros para compartir el evangelio. Yo no soy ninguna de esas cosas. Y se han salvado almas gracias a la obra de Dios en mí. Si simplemente queremos compartir a Jesús y buscamos formas de hacerlo, eso es lo que importa. Así es como la gente escucha Su precioso mensaje.
Quiero agradecer a mi mamá, Jeanne Sullivan, por grabar este video. Ella acababa de recuperarse de una gripe y estaba débil y cansada. Sin embargo, su mamá la ayudó. Es una sierva increíble en su amor por Jesús.
También quiero agradecer a quienes enseñaron esa noche. Hicieron un trabajo fantástico. En verdad y en espíritu, enseñaron la Palabra, como enseñó nuestro Señor.
Nuestra tercera clase de "enseñar a otros a enseñar".
Instructores JP Flores y Joseph Sullivan
Fecha y hora de la reunión 19 de diciembre de 2023
Parte 2: de la clase de capacitación del grupo de evangelismo sobre cómo aprender a enseñar el método de enseñanza "One Shot: Plan de Salvación de 3 Cartas".
Durante esta clase, el estudiante practicó la enseñanza del plan de estudios para salvar almas. Estamos haciendo esto para preparar a los miembros de la clase para enseñar a los no cristianos y a los nuevos conversos. ¡Hicieron un excelente trabajo!
Cuanto más practiquen los estudiantes entre sí, más hábiles, cómodos y experimentados se volverán como profesores. Los profesores hicieron un gran trabajo. Y mi madre grabó la clase, para que aquellos que no pudieron asistir durante esta ajetreada semana de vacaciones pudieran verla y aprender de ella.
Queremos grabar todas nuestras clases para este propósito. Además, tomar fotografías de nuestros eventos y bautismos para ayudarnos a recordar nuestro trabajo. Dichas fotografías pueden motivar, alentar y dar contexto a nuestras actividades de extensión anteriores.
A medida que la clase avanza, los profesores, una vez que se sienten preparados, pueden unirse a un profesor para ayudarlos o observarlos aprender. O pueden comenzar a enseñarse solos y uno de los líderes del equipo los acompañará para apoyarlos.
Un consejo en el que se debe centrar la atención es preguntar " ¿Qué dice la Biblia?". Cuando le hagan una pregunta sobre la Biblia, deje de poner el énfasis en usted. "Diga que es una buena pregunta, ¿qué dice la Biblia?" Y pídales que busquen un pasaje bíblico que responda esa pregunta. Cuando hace esto, pone el énfasis en Dios y Su Palabra y no en usted mismo. No quiere que el estudiante piense que esa es la opinión del maestro, sino que los detalles que aprende provienen únicamente de la autoridad de la Biblia, es decir, de Dios.
Mire el vídeo para obtener más ideas sobre el proceso de enseñanza.
Mi formato personal de enseñanza:
Este es un buen punto de referencia para utilizar hasta que uno desarrolle su estilo y personalidad de enseñanza. Este es un formato básico que permite a los estudiantes participar activamente y coloca el trabajo en el estudiante, y menos en el maestro. Cuanto más utiliza un maestro a un estudiante, más se involucra espiritualmente. Además, este formato de enseñanza pone menos énfasis en el maestro y más énfasis en la Palabra, cuando se utiliza este formato. Dar conferencias y pasar la mayor parte del tiempo hablando no les da a los estudiantes la oportunidad de interactuar y participar (que es la mejor manera de aprender). Este formato hace que los estudiantes se involucren. Puede descargar mi formato de enseñanza personal (de Joseph Sullivan) en formato PDF aquí. Para obtener consejos de enseñanza, consulte nuestra página de evangelización "enseñando " .
La evangelización es cuestión de actitud
La evangelización se trata de Cristo. Filipenses 2:1–8
Cuando nos vaciamos de nosotros mismos y dejamos que Él obre en nosotros, Dios es exaltado. JP predicó un sermón sobre esta actitud. Cuando crucificamos nuestras vidas y dejamos que los frutos del Espíritu obre en nosotros, el enemigo se debilita y el poder y el propósito de nuestro Padre se fortalecen en nosotros.
Este sermón trata sobre el evangelio. Antes de predicar el evangelio, primero debemos ser el evangelio. Si la compasión, el amor, el interés desinteresado, el servicio a los demás y la estima por encima de nosotros mismos están muertos en nuestro interior y el yo predomina, el mensaje de nuestra vida estará en conflicto con el mensaje que decimos.
Este sermón trata sobre tener una actitud de Cristo. Y aunque no se trata específicamente de evangelización, los temas sí son aplicables.
Medir las expectativas
Remember it is a Process
Who here went to one college class and got their diploma the next day?
Who here asked someone out on a date and got married the next day?
Who here dieted and worked out, to lose weight and achieved their goal weight the next day?
These may sound like silly questions, don't they? To receive a diploma, you got to attend the college classes, you have to study, etc. You have put in the time, to get your degree. If you got a bad grade after your first semester, do you throw up your hands and say, "college does not work!" Of course not. College requires consistent and determined work to get the end result...that being a diploma.
To get married and have a family, you have to get into a relationship, and before that, you have to ask people out, right? If a person asked someone they liked, out on a date and were told "no," does that mean dating does not work? Of course not, to get where you want to go, you have to keep doing the process. You have to give time (and emotional investment) to this desired work, to get the desired result.
If you went on a diet and went to the gym, then on the following day, when upon the on the scale....to weigh the body, would you get upset... that your body weight goals had not been achieved? Of course not. Weight loss is a process. No one should say, "dieting and exercise do not work!" Like in anything in life, consistency and deliberate long-term actions, are what make a difference.
This can be applied to anything. Think of examples. Nothing worth having tends to happen overnight. If a person wants a job, a family, friends, a skillset, a car, a home, etc. then certain things need to be done, as part of the process, for the desired end result to take place.
So why is it, that I have heard people say, "we went door-knocking for one hour out of the year and no one was baptized, evangelism does not work!" If a person only does door knocking once in a year, at the 12th hr before a gospel meeting, and is expecting results, they are not applying the same measuring lines onto evangelism, as they are applying on their own personal secular goals.
Evangelism, like in anything else in life is a process. It requires time, energy, work to get the desired results. Expecting microwave results is not realistic
Evangelism, like in anything else in life is a process. It requires time, energy, and work to get the desired results. Yes, sometimes lightning hits, (results come) when one event is done. But usually, it requires consistent investment and regular action, (like in anything else) to get a result. Going to the gym every blue moon, doing college a handful of times a year, trying to win someone's heart, 3-5 times annually, and expecting minimal effort to lead to lasting results is not realistic We know in parenting, exercise, education, work, and relationship, there is a lifestyle commitment required of regular investment of time, energy and patience for the results to come.
EVANGELISM is no different. Did Jesus sit and do carpentry and wait for a special time to share the gospel a few times a year?
Did the Apostles/disciples when given the Great Commission, set aside some days annually to share the Word with the lost?
Did the Christians in Acts sit and ignore the lost, except when some church event took place a handful of times a year?
Of course not! They followed, faithfully God's command to share the message of salvation. We don't steal some of the time, we don't honor our Father and Mother some of the time, a Bible command is meant to be followed ALL OF THE TIME. The command to do evangelism is no different. People of compassion can not but act. Jude 23
Jesus, the Apostles, and the disciples were rejected. Not all the places they went to and the people they talked to had success. But what caused them to succeed? They were consistently investing into the process of regularly following God's command of sharing the Word. To succeed, we need to follow the Bible's pattern of evangelism. Read the gospels, read the attitudes of Jesus. Read the methods of Jesus and read the frequency of the work of Christ. Follow the lifestyle examples of our Lord and you will be His disciple/follower in truth and in spirit.
Now there is nothing wrong with doing events or having a church focus on such activities. But we need to understand that NT evangelism is about making soul-winning a part of one's regular life. And not only just doing outreach a few events a year. When you invest minimal effort and time you tend to get minimal results If 5 percent of the year is focused on soul winning, then expect the harvest to be in line with that lack luster investment.
I'm a big fan of lifestyle/friendship evangelism. We will cover that in section two. I am also a big fan of event evangelism. We covered that on this page. But to generate results, events need to be done regularly and slowly increased over time to make such work more apart of one's life.
Imágenes de evangelización en el campus de USF College

Evangelización en el campus
Our group went out Wednesday (27th) to the USF college campus. Our evangelism event was focused on reaching college students. USF (University of South Florida) has a vendor event called Bulls Market on Wednesday from 9 AM- 2 PM. Address directions: Go to Marshal Student Center. Marshal Student Center address: 4202 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33620
We got some good discussions going, passed out soul-saving materials, prayed over people and got contacts. I talked with a young catholic for an hour. It was an encouraging experience.
Doing such work requires regular events in order to get contacts and generate Bible studies. But campus work, if you consistently do the work, does work. The less religious presence on campus the better. If a college has 12 different Bible study organizations, you'll find the work will be longer for results, than if the college has 2 Bible study groups.
A special thank you to Susan Stoa, Sara Delgado, Daniel Lookadoo, and Jeanne Sullivan for sharing Jesus with me yesterday at USF Bulls Market. The great commission was followed. God was exalted. The seed was sown. You all were lights upon a hilltop and the world saw. My mom took the pictures of us doing this work and of those at the booth. Mr. Lucky the puppy (mom's service dog) did evangelism too. College students came over to pet him and that led to conversations and invites/materials given. God bless the people who bless the kingdom, by choosing to be a worker for the Lord.
Approaching people and locations:
Besides campus evangelism vendor work, a person can just go to campuses. They can also find parks, walkways, festivals, fairs,etc. where you can approach people. I encourage you to read my book on street evangelism. Once you have a good location and have the materials do the following steps.
While working with preachers and their wives, (doing an evangelism event in San Bernardino, CA) I saw and heard a lot of useful approaches.
Bobbi-Jo Triplett, in order to see if someone is interested in a discussion simply asks “Do you want a Bible study with me?”
Make it personal, always have "with me," in the invite, so it’s not just a "no" but a rejection. People are less likely to say "no," if you make it connective and personal.
Ricky Shanks greets people "as if they are his long lost best friend" when doing evangelism work.
Another person, Preacher Dana Wistler, asks "Can I have 30 seconds" or "A few moments of your time?"
Royce Bell with handout Bible in hand asks a person "Do you read your Bible?" And from whatever they say in response, Royce offers them a Bible in discussion and uses this as a means to start talking about the Word.
Vídeo: Cómo inscribirse en nuestra universidad local USF.
Para obtener más detalles sobre el trabajo en el campus y las formas de organizar un evento universitario, obtenga el libro que escribí. “Cómo hacer que funcione: Tres técnicas probadas para la evangelización”.
Reflexiones sobre evangelización: trabajo en el campus, evangelización entre amigos y las 4 “P”☝️🙏
Estoy agradecido de poder hacer evangelismo con gente fantástica. 💚🔥📖💯

Crunch gym
Timestamp 10.1.24
So far we've had about 13 people whom we've had Bible studies with and from our group members we've had 2 baptisms. Praise God. Appreciate each of you and your labors for His kingdom. This is our 7th evangelism event We've been doing events now for 8 months. The pictures and the insights are from our 7th event at Hillsborough Crunch gym on Sep 30th, 2024. We had 2 evangelism events at 2 locations: Tampa Palms Crunch Gym and Hillsborough Crunch Gym.
At our Crunch Gym Hillsborough location:
We had 6 Bible study signatures. 5 spiritual discussion. Materials were passed out. God was glorified. After 3 hrs. at Crunch Gym during their vendor event night. Last time we had an evening event at this gym we had a 3 hr. Bible discussion with a wonderful young man from Cuba who later had a Bible study with JP Flories and was then baptized.
Sadly we had about 5 people interested (who came up, wanted to talk, ask questions, etc.) but they only spoke Spanish. And we had 1 Spanish speaker and he can't always help. Many of our interests and most positive interactions come from immigrants and those who speak no English to broken English. But we can only interact when we have a Spanish speaker.
When it comes to evangelism in America, learning Spanish is essential to reaching the Biliquel communities. They are the most eager and earnest. In America, many people are secularized and indifferent to religion. You can still reach such groups, but I have found that immigrants tend to be more open and desirous of spiritual things. Their countries, Peru, Cuba, Colombia, etc. have a culture that is more receptive to God and the Bible.
Insights from working at Hillsborough:
1. Reuse the same sign-up sheet, you put a line under the last name from the previous week to avoid confusion. People tend to sign up for things when they see a signature/or signatures on the paper. Daniel Lokaddo did that and I'm going to start doing this as well. It also saves on paper and printing.
2. It takes 1-2 years to learn Spanish if one is dedicated. The Mormons train their missionaries in 3-6 months using a hardcore program. For evangelists, this is an investment that is worth the time and energy to do. The immigrants from Spanish countries tend to be the most eager and interested demographics you'll see in evangelism work.
3. Jared helped for the first time in doing an evangelism event. He was giving more invites them me. A great method that caused people to stop was, "Can I have a moment of your time?" Not everyone stopped but I saw that many did. I was impressed with Jared's hard work. Mom (Jeanne Sullivan) also helped even though she has health issues. Love her fire. She was responsible for taking the pictures. Many of the photos you see through the years of our work, came from her. I try to record what takes place during an event, so I don't forget or miss any things that should be remembered. I have a small notebook to do this. But it's best to not be recording stuff when one of your group is talking with someone, its a turn-off. Record your work as measurements/markers for success. Let your data help teach you and help you grow.
4. I had a good talk with an 18-year-old Jehovah WItness lady. For certain groups, JW's, and Mormons, etc. I'm going to have classes to detail ways of discussing and studying with them. It will be on the Friendship Evangelism page. I found holding out the sign-up sheet/clipboard out to people when giving an invite is more effective than when I just invite people to sign up. They see it and are more likely to take notice. Even though we don't usually have a Spanish speaker, we can make sign-up sheets and cards in Spanish and give them to people. If they sign up for a Bible study, we know of a Spanish speaker in our group, JP Flores who can reach out. If they are interested in a Bible study we can also share JP's evangelism contact info with them.
5. Jared called 4 of our contacts the following day and got a commitment, Ricky Shanks a talented evangelist calls the contact that he gets. Another evangelist Royce Bell calls his contacts and then follows up with a text if there is a need. Through the years I have texted my contacts, on average I tend to text 35 contacts (it can be 5 or 27, but on average 35 tends to be the max ceiling number) before one gives a "yes" response. I encourage you to test both methods out. Calling is more direct. Texting is more subtle. Figure out what gets the best results. I have done texting, so I will experiment with calling. I encourage our evangelism team to do the same.
Here is a list of the most effective ways of reaching people from most powerful to least. However, all formats can influence and get results.
Stages of connecting with people:
Levels of most influence
In all social interactions both physical and digital being personal matters. The more enthusiastic you are in giving invites and the more positive you are in attitude the better.
Pretend when greeting people that the person you are talking to or calling is “your long-lost best friend” in tone and attitude. This really helps connect and make a good impression.
We need to look at people with love, compassion, and care and as if they matter when we try to help people with the gospel.
Note these steps can be used not just to reach the lost but also in our interactions with recruiting COC members to do evangelism or when working with an evangelism group or other special spiritual activities.
Face-to-face social interactions
Calling others
Text/social media/email, etc.
Materials distributed or displayed
General invite (church, online, group, etc.)
This document is in PDF.
Fotografías de eventos de gimnasio y clases de estudio bíblico pasados.