Iglesia de Cristo
Sign Up
Estas actividades de capacitación en evangelismo son gratuitas. Sin embargo, es necesario que seas parte de la iglesia de Cristo . :)
Lea las páginas "Clases/Enseñanza/Eventos" antes de registrarse. ¡Le damos la bienvenida a quienes estén listos para unirse a nosotros o simplemente quieran pasar a visitarnos!

Capacitación en evangelismo de la Iglesia de Cristo
Sign up. Let us know what you're interested in doing. Visit the other pages to learn more about this work. :)
You don't have to commit. Feel free to visit and get a feel for the groups. We would love to have you join us. To learn more about us, see the Q/A section.
This work is for the Tampa Bay area of Florida (and the surrounding areas of FL) in the US. This group is for members of the church of Christ.