Iglesia de Cristo
Sección dos:
En esta página se registrarán nuestras clases y recursos de evangelización grupal, relacionados con la "evangelización de la amistad", también conocida como "estilo de vida", "invitación" y "acercamiento frío". Además, cubriremos la evangelización en cafeterías (realizando estudios públicos).
No se come un elefante de un bocado. Ni tampoco una cena de Acción de Gracias. Tómate tu tiempo, lee una pequeña sección o mira un video al día o cada dos días, incluso una vez por semana. Ve a tu propio ritmo. Intenta concentrarte en un bocado a la vez y digerir el contenido.
A medida que avanza lentamente en este contenido, intente aplicar lo que lee y ve.
Descubrirás que habrás crecido a medida que comas lo que tienes delante, bocado a bocado.
Online training and group recording
En la última página se detalla cómo organizar un evento de evangelización. Lo que se puede hacer en el gimnasio se puede hacer en cualquier lugar donde se permitan vendedores, como centros comerciales, mercados de pulgas, recintos feriales, festivales al aire libre en ciudades o pueblos, campus universitarios, etc. También describimos los principios clave para iniciar un grupo sobre una base bíblica sólida .
En esta nueva página se detallarán los métodos de divulgación interpersonal que una persona puede llevar a cabo en su vida cotidiana, desde la evangelización amistosa hasta la realización de estudios (en lugares públicos) mientras se toman descansos de los recados, la escuela y el trabajo. También cubriremos los formatos tecnológicos para la divulgación.
Tendremos videos de evangelización para motivar, enseñar y animar. Habrá documentos grupales de "cómo hacer", para ayudar a educar. El grupo compartirá datos grabados para su revisión, reflexión y estudio.

Comenzando con la evangelización de la amistad (estilo de vida):
Proceso paso a paso
Repasaremos cómo hacer evangelismo de amistad. Para nuestro grupo de evangelismo y para otras personas interesadas en (hacer/sentirse cómodas/prepararse para hacer) evangelismo de amistad.
El primer paso es ver los videos de enseñanza del taller de evangelización de JP Flores. La Iglesia Universitaria (en Tampa Bay, Florida) ha duplicado su tamaño en dos años (en gran parte) gracias a la evangelización de amistad que JP ayudó a enseñar y promover (lo que condujo a una cultura de evangelización en la iglesia). Los ancianos de esta iglesia tienen una visión y ayudaron a crear una cultura evangelística fuerte, amorosa y próspera.
El segundo paso es ver nuestras clases de capacitación grupal en vivo sobre evangelización amistosa. Compartiremos consejos, ideas y lecciones basadas en la Biblia de Jesús y los apóstoles. Las clases también brindarán ejercicios para que las personas los realicen y que, poco a poco (a medida que realizan cada ejercicio), las aclimatarán a acercarse a los demás para hacer evangelización amistosa. JP Flores y Joseph Sullivan estarán a cargo de estas clases. Si miras estos videos y haces estos ejercicios, te aclimatarás a hacer evangelización amistosa.
El primer paso:
Vídeos de formación
Ver oportunidades
Buscando lo perdido:
Jesús y los sedientos
Understand the "Why"
Dando el primer paso
- Desmitificando la evangelización
El mensaje del Rey:
Nuestra necesidad de compartir a Jesús
La evangelización es mentoría:
La historia de Bernabé
The second step:
In group live evangelism
training classes
Primer video de la clase de evangelización de la amistad
Video Uno: Mira el video de la clase de capacitación sobre la amistad
Evangelismo. Grabado el 21 de febrero de 2024.
Clase impartida por JP Flores.
Ubicación Casa de JP.
Nota: JP enseñó cuando tuvo que irse temprano a la mañana siguiente para una reunión evangelística. Hizo un trabajo fantástico. Nuestro grupo tuvo la bendición de aprender de los consejos de esta clase.
Lamentablemente, mi celular no grabó el audio durante toda la clase. Alguien quiso llamar y escuchar. Resulta que no se puede grabar y hacer eso y aún así obtener el audio del video. No volveré a cometer ese error. Fue totalmente mi culpa. Terminé recibiendo la parte final de la clase de evangelización. Hice un segundo video tratando de completar los detalles de lo que se compartió. Te animo a que lo veas. Para reproducir el video, haz clic aquí .

Evangelización de amistad (también conocida como evangelización de enfoque frío, evangelización de estilo de vida o evangelización por invitación).
Vídeos de capacitación sobre evangelización de la amistad de los instructores JP Flores y Joseph Sullivan
Animo a nuestro grupo de evangelismo y a otras personas interesadas a que vean nuestras clases grabadas en vivo, impartidas por nuestros instructores. Ellos compartirán diversos temas, pero uno de los temas principales será la evangelización de la amistad (estilo de vida). Cuando mires (y hagas los ejercicios) crecerás y te desarrollarás en la evangelización de la amistad.
Aprenderá formas de trabajar en las relaciones interpersonales con otras personas con las que entre en contacto y madurará en este método versátil, eficaz y basado en la Biblia.
JP Flores es uno de los mejores evangelistas que yo (Joseph Sullivan) he conocido. La actitud que tiene este ganador de almas refleja la de Cristo. Tener ese espíritu va de la mano con compartir a Jesús. JP es excepcional en la evangelización de amistad. La iglesia ha duplicado su tamaño en 2 años. Él ha sido mentor de personas en este método y, al tener un grupo de ancianos que lo apoya, ha creado con éxito una cultura evangelística amorosa dentro de la congregación de la Iglesia de Cristo de la Universidad . Joseph Sullivan ha estado haciendo evangelismo de eventos y evangelismo de amistad. Ha escrito libros sobre estos temas y le encanta enseñar a otros estos métodos.

Segundo video de la clase de evangelización de la Amistad
Recuerda hacer los ejercicios que se encuentran dentro de estos libros, estudiar los videos y realizar las actividades que compartimos dentro de nuestro grupo de evangelismo. :)
Estos esfuerzos le ayudarán a acostumbrarse a hacer evangelismo de amistad con más facilidad. Siga y estudie estos videos y haga los ejercicios y comenzará a crecer en evangelismo de amistad y a desarrollarse en la interacción con las personas.
Os animo a que tengáis un bolígrafo y papel y registréis vuestros pensamientos extraídos de estos vídeos.
Además, anota nuestros ejercicios y tareas, y márcalos en tu agenda para realizarlos diariamente o semanalmente, según la tarea encomendada.
Video two: Watch the training class video on friendship evangelism.
Recorded 2.27.24
Class taught by Joseph Sullivan
Location St. Joseph North cafeteria.
The books can be accessed at our "Classes" evangelism training page here. Benjamin Lee has a great video interview of his work, from Dan Barker's "Leading Others to Christ." We mention this soul winner in the class video, I encourage you to watch the video interview. You can watch it here. You can find more content from evangelists, just google "Leading Others to Christ."
Besides doing the exercises in this video I also encourage you to do at least one evangelism event a month. Doing events will help you acclimate and transition to doing friendship evangelism faster. If your giving invites/talking to people about spiritual things, when doing door knocking, campus work, flea market outreach, etc. it will help with your comfort level doing friendship evangelism. And vis versa. The more you do event evangelism the more comfortable yo will become in doing event evangelism AND friendship evangelism. They both serve as bridges to one another.
After we had our class, Gustav went up to a nurse and gave an invite to a church event his congregation is having for the upcoming Sunday. He did a great job and the lady, Maria, accepted the material and seemed interested.
If you've not done so, I encourage you to read the book "Save a Church from Dying." The stats are alarming and the decline within Amseric is real. This book shows why the kingdom is declining in America and shows ways on how to stop this decline. All the class books can be accessed at Spiritbuilding.
Note: When I say stats, please keep in mind I am giving max ceiling numbers. If I say you reach 10 people to get a result for such and such, that is the maximum number for a result to take place. It could be number 1 or number 4, etc. I tend to give max stats but I need to also mention, that they are ceiling numbers. So when you watch my videos, please keep that in mind, when I am outlining evangelism statistics for doing outreach work.
Our evangelism website for inviting people to sign up for a Bible study is at www.biblestudygrouptampabay.com
You can also find us online when you search "bible study Tampa Florida."
Tercer video de la clase de evangelización de la Amistad
Video three: Watch the training class video on friendship evangelism.
Recorded 3.5.24
Class taught by Joseph Sullivan
Location Chick-fil-A.

Frases sobre evangelización para reflexionar

Cuarta clase de evangelización de la amistad en video
Video four: An audio recording made into a video:
Bible study on evangelism from the gospel of Luke.
Training class video on friendship evangelism.
Recorded 4.9.24
Class taught by JP Flores
Location Panera Bread
We had some great interactions with folks. Someone sat in on our study. There was another Bible study going on from a college group that attends USF across the street. The lesson came from the gospel of Luke and was taught by JP Flores and details the struggles and focus of evangelism. After the Bible study, we asked questions about doing friendship evangelism.
Daniel Lookadoo had a great idea. When you invite people to sign up for a Bible study, or do a study (if its possible), or if you share spiritual content, and people say, "I am saved" or "I go to church" or "I have a Bible study group," etc. simply try to ask them more questions, concerning what they say, and generate more conversation, about what they shared.
If people are not interested in sitting down and having a Bible study, or in singing up for a Bible study, then bring the Bible study to them. Talk to them about spiritual things, about salvation, heaven, etc. If you know the scriptures and have a Bible with you, then share what you know with them.
You can also say (warmly, with interest and enthusiasm) when they say, the above, "Great, that means you must like talking about spiritual things. let me hear more about it."

El último sábado de marzo (30 de 2024) nos reunimos en la casa de los Sullivan para celebrar y relajarnos después de haber hecho mucho trabajo de divulgación durante este mes. Fue un momento de comida y conversación. Fue un momento de reflexión en oración, súplica y alabanza a Dios. También cantamos canciones de agradecimiento a nuestro Padre por Su gracia y apoyo en el trabajo que hicimos. Hice un cancionero para nuestro grupo. También compartimos nuestras experiencias con los eventos que hicimos ese mes y nuestros comentarios sobre cómo nuestro grupo puede mejorar.
El grupo compartió grandes ideas. Susan Stoa trabajó en ventas y dijo que cuando enviamos mensajes de texto a los contactos que se registraron, en lugar de enviar una invitación general para preguntarles qué horarios son los más adecuados para el contacto, debemos mencionar los días específicos en los que están disponibles. Según Susan, a la gente le gusta el orden y la estructura. Es más probable que cumplan con su promesa cuando les damos opciones concretas en lugar de una invitación general.
Derek Carley comentó que un buen grupo debe tener un logotipo y una marca. Esto ayuda a crear identidad y reconocimiento, lo que genera confianza. También mencionó la importancia de los códigos QR. Cuando las personas se inscriben en estudios bíblicos, no siempre podemos leer sus nombres, números, etc. Con un código QR (para técnicos y partes interesadas), pueden inscribirse en un estudio bíblico usando sus teléfonos celulares.
El código QR puede llevarlos a nuestra página de registro. El código QR también se puede utilizar como sello o calcomanía (se puede utilizar Canva.com para hacer calcomanías) para colocar en libros, DVD, marcadores, etc. Los miembros de nuestro equipo pueden llevar el código en sus teléfonos celulares para obtener firmas, etc. La idea de Derek es excelente. También puedo hacer una calcomanía o sello para colocar este logotipo/código QR en el contenido que distribuimos. El logotipo se puede utilizar en el fondo de pantalla de nuestros teléfonos celulares para interactuar con las personas y lograr que se registren.
Actualizado: 424.24.
Los porta carteles de plástico son ideales para colocar un código QR, en el que las personas pueden registrarse en línea o hacer clic con sus teléfonos para obtener más información.
Aquí está nuestro código QR.

Tres prácticas diarias de evangelización para realizar en pro de la evangelización de la amistad.
Haga clic aquí para descargar el documento.

Vídeo de la quinta clase de evangelización de la amistad
Video fifth: An audio recording made into a video:
Bible study on setting up an invite mindset and synchronizing one's behavior in doing invites. Role-playing and morning routines are detailed. But see our documents for more study and application.
Training class video on friendship evangelism.
Recorded 4.18.24
Class taught by Joseph Sullivan
Location Panera Bread
We met up at Panera Bread to discuss Bible evangelism themes: I asked Derek a question on how he invited someone at the coffee shop to church...that is when the recording started.
We are also doing an event once a month, where we meet up at USF College. We will split into groups of two and practice doing whatever a group member is comfortable with doing. It can be just waving, saying hello, it can be asking questions to students to talk with them. Questions on food, on where places are at, etc.
Or for those who are more comfortable, they can start a conversation with a question, and end the conversation with an invite. I like warming up by first greeting people, then secondly by asking folks questions, then when ready I also start giving invites.
The books (I've mentioned in an earlier post) that we cover in classes, and the exercises within the shared documents (Three daily evangelism practices and role-playing exercises will help with personal development in this area.
Also doing event evangelism, (door knocking, street evangelism, etc. helps make the transition more easier into friendship evangelism).

Feedback evangelism group recordings
Our second class was on Thursday, May 25th, 2024 at the Sullivan home. Great ideas were shared. Our group's recording can be listened to here.
Amping the mind for meeting people:
A good way to prepare the mind and attitude for evangelism and interacting with others comes with perspective shifts and mental focus on seeing people in a certain way. See my short video to learn more. I encourage you to do what is in the video. You will grow greatly in how you interact with others when you do this exercise. Evangelism is about love.

A continuación se muestran ejemplos positivos de este método.
Vídeos motivacionales de “evangelistas de la amistad”
que están haciendo crecer su iglesia local.
Vídeo de Max Dawson haga clic aquí .
Vídeo de Benjamin Lee haga clic aquí .

Evangelización en cafeterías
Experiencias e ideas
Doing public studies (also known as coffee shop evangelism) is an advertisement. People see the Word being read and the curious may inquire. Our group has been doing coffee shop evangelism at Panera Bread, for about a month. I've also been doing these studies by myself. Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, basically anywhere where you can sit down and be around a lot of people is a great place for doing studies. My mentor Royce Bell used to have a small sign on the table inviting people to join him and his group for studies. He'd also invite folks. This was one of his methods of doing evangelism.
I've noticed and our other group leader, JP Flores says he's noticed the same, that when people see a person studying the Word, some of them will walk over, or stand nearby, or sit close out of curiosity. I've waitresses, stand nearby, and hover, an elderly man sat near me, and when doing a class, a man sat on the booth behind us and watched and listened.
I've also seen those who see this and seem more lost and dispirited. The study of the Word, makes them feel certain things they know they have in their life. Those who seem sad, discouraged, and lost seem to gravitate and sit nearby.
You can go up to these people and ask if they are ok and try to get a conversation going... And if the conversation moves along you can give an invite to study with you then or later.
There is another Bible study group that meets on Tuesdays at Panera Bread. After our group Bible studies, I go over and begin talking (individually) with one of the teachers or one of the students to build connections. I am not giving an invite immediately. I'm focusing on building bonds. I am asking questions, and learning their names. I am building emotional bonds. I will talk with them about their church, their spiritual goals, and interests, their Bible study work, etc. You are investing in them and they are investing in you emotionally, (through words given, interactions shared, time spent, etc. ) Later I will give an invite.
If you know you will see someone regularly, at a grocery store, or coffee shop, etc. you can build bonds with them over time then later...give an invite to church or a Bible study. Even when such invites are given and they don't follow up on an invite, you can still talk with them about spiritual/Biblical things. Down the road, they may be interested (and show that interest in conversation). Yet even in doing your discussions, you are planting seeds. One does not need to schedule a Bible study to have a Bible study. You can share the Bible with them as you talk to them. This practice can be done anywhere, colleges, flea markets, door knocking, doing friendship evangelism, etc.
I've noticed that when I hold up my cell phone (in the air) and record our classes in such a public manner, that some are still interested, but others think more poorly of the studies. Recording things can be lumped in with stunts and trying to expose things, so I got a more discrete tablet to place on the table for future training class recordings.
In my personal studies, I am going to do what Andy Cantrell does. This is one of Andy's main forms of evangelism. What he does is in the document here. Basically, you smile and wave, say hi to people, and if they say hi back you can invite them to study with you. I know that is rather simplistic and requires an outgoing, friendly nature. But with [practice anyone can do it.
I've found that when I walk into a coffee shop early, (places like Panera Bread, Starbucks, etc.) before a group Bible study begins and I place my Bible in the middle of the store, preferably on a high table, that people at times gravitate to me and the Bible. They may be looking away but standing close or they may be looking at me and the Bible. These signs say that a person may be interested. A simple invite, like "We are going to have a Bible study soon, would you be interested?" can let such people know that they are welcome. Even if a person is standing near the Bible/table and is not interested, an invite may generate interest.
The staff are great to interact with. The more you meet at a specific location, the more bonds you can build with the staff, which can lead to spiritual discussions and invites to church/Bible study, etc. The staff may listen in on the Bible studies or pay attention to what our study group is doing, this can build up interest and interactions later on.
We've had people listen, and recently someone sit down and join us, (thinking we were another Bible study group). We did not even invite him. We've had occasion to give invites and talk with people due to meeting up for these studies. This is a great way to connect with folks. Right now we are doing studies on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
Getting into conversations an inviting people works too. Jon Rowe goes to fast food places and gets discussions going that lead to Bible studies. He's probably one of the best personal workers of our time. And is worth studying

Con gente
Practice interacting with people to improve in friendship evangelism: I personally like to go to malls, the gym, or a college campus to sharpen and improve my social skills. Even when walking the dog or running errands a person can work on their social improvements.
For groups or for an individual, it helps to have a plan for a place to meet up to do such social practice.
It's a step-by-step process to go out to social areas to interact. You can go to parks, beaches, fairgrounds, coffee shops, downtown areas, festivals, etc. Anywhere people meet you/or your group can meet for these social interactions.
I like to warm up in stages. I do one step, then another step, and slowly ease into giving invites, when I begin such activities during the day. I like to first begin by waving at people, and then when warmed up and ready, I transition.
I step up my interactions by greeting people, and then once acclimated to that I start the next step by asking people questions, (be aware of the environment, what do you hear, see, smell, etc.)
If you smell good food, ask about that. Like "What is that smell? Where is it coming from? etc. If you hear music, ask about that. Like "What is that music?" "Whose playing it?" If you see a person with a cute doggie, complement the owner/owner's pet. If you see a cool T-shirt, complement the design. Mention the T-shirt and ask about it.
As you talk with people, you can give an invite to church or a Bible study during the conversation. It's like networking at a business convention or in asking a girl or guy out on a date. You don't just give a person your business card or ask a girl out, you first get a conversation going. That's the same for giving a spiritual invite.
Our class on Tuesday is going over social hacks in my book "Cold Approach" in the 3 section booklet I wrote "Making It Work: Three Proven Techniques for Evangelism"
But the best way to learn, grow, and find your nitch is by actively going out and practicing. JP Flores (one of our team leaders) is exceptional at doing this. Friendship evangelism/lifestyle evangelism gets easier the more one does it. JP has had 1,000's of Bible studies. The more we interact with people, the more contacts we can get and people we can reach.
If all these steps are too much. Do what you're comfortable with doing. You can greet folks, talk to folks, or give invites. Or even just walk around. Start where you're at. The goal is growth. The more you do this the better you'll get.
The goal for our group is to TRY to invite ONE person to either church, Bible study, or a spiritual event this week. If this is too hard, try to post either ONE church invite or an invite to our Bible group study on social media. Begin where you are at, work on your social skills, and watch yourself grow. You don't have to go to a college or mall, etc. Just focus on these steps as you go about your day-to-day activities, and try to work your way up these steps.
Watch the videos, and read our resources and training books. Such materials will help you grow.
Grupo de enseñanza sobre cómo elaborar materiales bíblicos, eclesiásticos y de evangelización
We had a workshop class to teach our evangelism group how to make their own church cards, flyers, brochures, signs, handouts, etc. The best evangelists are independent, they don't rely on others for materials, getting outreach work done, they take the initiative. That's the goal of this group.
We want our members to grow in this ideal. Our training, events, and classes reflect that focus. The video is made for those who could not make our evangelism workshop class. Timestamp 5/22/2024
Llamando a la puerta

To study more on door knocking, read my blog, (scroll down to near the bottom where I detail doing this work).
You can also watch my door-knocking training video.
As well as read my door-knocking training book.
El Día de los Caídos nos reunimos en el estacionamiento de la iglesia para repartir materiales y mapas para ir tocando puerta a puerta. Los tenía en el maletero de mi coche. Nos dividimos en grupos de dos y trabajamos en un calor húmedo de 97 grados durante una hora. Daniel Lookadoo y yo tuvimos un estudio bíblico con alguien durante 2 horas. Después, todos nos reunimos en Chick-fil-A para relajarnos y socializar. Hemos estado haciendo más estudios con este joven. Cómo prepararse para un evento así. Ver el documento . Lea el enlace del blog mencionado anteriormente o mi libro para obtener más información.
Se sembraron semillas, se hicieron invitaciones, se llevaron a cabo conversaciones y Dios fue exaltado. Se honró el mandato de compartir a Jesús. Toda la gloria es para Él.
Un agradecimiento especial a todos los que vinieron. Sacrificaron otras cosas para hacer este trabajo. Eso es algo que valoro y aprecio profundamente. Estoy agradecido a todos los que me han ayudado estos últimos meses a compartir la buena noticia con el mundo. Mateo 28:18-20
Marca de tiempo 24 de mayo de 2024

Plantilla para tocar puertas
Let us believe that God is glorified in our lives, (in this work) as He directs our steps, (as we trust Him) Provers 3:5-6
Door-knocking thoughts... Here is a template I created from studying an excellent video by Dan Barker and Matt Maudlin....from their online evangelism interview platform "Leading Others to Christ." https://leadingotherstochrist.org
Gary Fisher
Door knocking: This evangelist works with young people and helps with FC college. Gary is also a fan of door-knocking to set up Bible studies.
His effective approach goes like this, when I knock on a door I say “hi I’m Gary. And I’m talking to folks about reading the Bible.
Do you all get a chance to do that sort of thing?”
Depending on how they respond, I say “I’m a Christian and I’d like to sit down and read the Bible in their homes, and I am looking for people who have an interest in doing something like that.”
Gary says, “I don’t go up with anything in my hand. I like to go up with my wife or with a kid to make me more approachable and to let them know nothing is shady or something like that.”
When his son (Kyle) was 15, and his younger daughter, was with Gary when he was doing a gospel meeting for a week in AL. Kyle (his son) got together (7) other teenagers to go out to do door knocking… to set up studies.
These young people got 7 sign ups and did door knocking again another day and got 3 other studies set up. Gary had his son and daughter stay behind to do these studies they set up. They were trained by their father to do this simple method of going door knocking to get Bible studies…
Gary says he gets plenty of “no’s” when doing door knocking but he will get “yes’s.”
If someone says “no,” then he just moves onto the next door. If a person keeps doing this they will get results. And even if one does not get a Bible study set up, when one gives an invite, conversations can be created, and seeds can be sow and planted for a later harvest.
Gary Fisher is the Preacher at the Bargersville church of Christ, Bargersville, IN
Website link https://www.bargersvillechristians.com
His interview video from “Leading Others to Christ” is at
Learn more, and watch the video, from this excellent platform "Leading others to Christ." Click on the video link to access other videos from top evangelists.
For more reading on door knocking read the article on my evangelism website here. https://www.churchofchristevangelism.com/methods.html
You guys don't have to do this method when doing door-knocking. I encourage you to develop your own personality in this area of work. The more you do this method the more you'll learn what works for you.But the above content can help to give you ideas.
Some spiritual reflection:
In your future experiences, please know (team )that the Enemy will try to distract you.
You all probably have seen this in our evangelism work...
He'll use money, saints, health, the world, drama, material things, pleasures, and pain to take your attention of the lost souls...
and the work of evangelism.
What has helped me is this truth.
"Starve your distractions and feed your focus."
As Colossians 3:2 says...
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
When we pray regularly and read the Bible daily...
we are feeding our spiritual priorities and taking our minds off the Serpants' stumbling stones.
We are starving our distractions.
We grow stronger in such spiritual feeding...
which helps us to be able to ignore, forgive,
have the right attitudes (when required) under trial.
Such feeding will help us continue to spend our energies for the lost and kingdom work, when we keep our souls strong in the Word.
Instead of Lucifer's drama.
As the Scripture says ...
In 1 John 2:14, there is a correlation between strength, being in the Word, and overcoming Satan.
"I write to you, young men, because you are *strong,
and the *Word of God lives in you,
and you have *overcome the Evil One."
Peace, grace, forgiveness, and wisdom are the fruits of spending time with our heavenly Father.
When you are overwhelmed, stressed, angry, tired, depressed, resentful, broken, that's the Ancient Father of Lies trying to influence, undermine your soul and your kingdom work.
I know of people who, either through the Devils' blessings or life's curse, have stopped sharing Jesus.
I just wanted to share this. You probably know these truths. 2 Cor 2:11
But it's worth posting here...
Remember to feed your focus. Pray for one another.
I appreciate you all. Each of you bear the fruits of the spirit.
You are God's light in a cold, dark world.
Most storms will pass. And if our roots of faith are strong and deep (through prayer and Bible study),
we will remain standing after it passes.
That's the beauty of finding refuge in our heavenly Father.
Thanks for reading this post. I just wanted to share some thoughts.
Also, remember to rest from your work. Even God rested on the 7th day.

Historias de éxito en evangelización personal
“Go Ye” Means “Go Me”
March 8, 2021
by Jefferson David Tant
This is written with some reluctance. I feel as Paul must have felt as he tried to make a point to help his readers. “Again I say, let no one think me foolish; but if you do, receive me even as foolish, so that I also may boast a little” (II Corinthians 11:16). Thus I pray that the readers will bear with me. The following is not written to boast, but to prove something.
In my 60 years of preaching, it has been a great joy to have even a small part in teaching the gospel to many and seeing their baptism into Christ. In truth, personal evangelism is how the Lord’s church will grow in the 21st Century. In my grandfather, J. D. Tant’s day, two or weeks of a gospel meeting might produce 25, 50, or even 75 baptisms. Those days are over. There was no internet, TV, movie theaters, etc., nor numerous sports teams to distract, and people would come out to hear the gospel. In my father Yater Tant’s time, extended gospel meetings were no longer in vogue, but the Jule Miller filmstrips were very effective. These five-night home studies resulted in untold thousands of conversions. But to get people to commit to five nights for a study has become difficult. Furthermore, as our nation has become less religious, it is difficult to get people even to visit our church services.
So … what to do? Personal evangelism is the answer — person-to-person contact. But some complain, “I don’t really know anyone who is interested.” You don’t know anyone? You don’t shop at stores? You don’t have a neighbor? Do you live in a cave? How do you know they aren’t interested until you ask? Please allow me to list some I have studied with. Hopefully, that will give the reader some ideas.
Don was my postman. We talked occasionally as he delivered mail. He was an elder in a large denomination. His conversion resulted in about a dozen conversions over the next year.
Elaine was an office receptionist. A conversation while I waited for a delivery resulted in three conversions and her marriage to a gospel preacher.
Theresa was our children’s school teacher. Our studies led to the conversion of two families (8 people).
Joe was a next-door neighbor who agreed to several studies with his family.
Bobbie owed a mail addressing business. Monthly visits to address our church mail-out resulted in weekly lunch hour studies with her staff and the conversion of one of her workers.
Minneka helped me find some merchandise in Home Depot. A conversation led to studies.
David ran out of gas by my house. Took him to get some. Had a study. Came back for more.
Andrea served our table at a restaurant in another city. Continued studies via the internet.
Studied with Sibongile, a teller at 5th 3rd Bank.
Stella cared for my mother in an assisted living facility.
Nancy was a young store clerk. Baptized after study.
Hazel was my wife’s contact through a business. Four baptisms resulted.
Victor was a hitch-hiker I picked up on the highway. Stopped in Murfreesboro for baptism.
Margaret, Lisa, Ricky, and Michelle were homeless young people we took in.
Sharon was an office worker who overheard my telephone conversation while in her office. This resulted in three baptisms.
Kathi worked in a drug store. Baptized after study.
Vivian was a next-door neighbor.
Roger owned a small store where we shopped. Three baptisms.
Glenn, Sherry, Joe, and Janet were friends of our teenage children.
Charlene worked at my bank. She and her husband were baptized.
Jeff owned the used car lot where I shopped.
Francie was a bank teller.
Darlene worked in her father’s vacuum cleaner business.
Eugene was an 84-year-old resident in a nursing home.
Jennifer’s family needed help with bills. This resulted in several conversions.
Cathy’s husband was a mechanic who worked on my car.
Terri was the wife of the Fina station owner who worked on my car.
Denise was a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus. Baptized her and her boyfriend.
Jade was a young Jamaican prostitute, as was Patricia. Both baptized.
I could go on, but you get the point. From 34 names listed, some 60 baptisms resulted. These were not the result of some church program or gospel meeting. They were the result of personal contact — personal evangelism.
Jesus told the disciples to “make disciples of all the nations,…teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). Thus Christ’s chosen ones were to go teach others, and then they were to do what the chosen ones were to go — go make disciples. Therefore, all Christians are to be disciple-makers. Paul told the Philippians that “you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life” (Philippians 2:15-16). These “lights” are not just elders, preachers, etc., but Christians — all Christians. “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise wins souls” (Proverbs 11:30).
Something interesting is seen in Acts 8 after the stoning of Stephen. “Saul was in hearty agreement with putting him to death. And on that day a great persecution began against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. ... Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the word" (Acts 8:1, 4).
We know there were some 15 or 16 nations present on Pentecost, and 3,000 were baptized that day, with thousands more to come. It is evident that some of the new converts stayed in Jerusalem for a time. Obviously, they wanted to learn more. But now in Acts 8, it’s time to go home. And what did they do when they went home? It says they “went about preaching the word.” The disciples were excited. Joseph talked to the man who made horseshoes for his horse. Mary talked to her next-door neighbor. Jacob talked to the man he bought hay from to feed his horse. Anna talked to the clerk at the grocery store. Well, you get the idea.
While reading the Bible a while back, a light went on when I read Colossians 1:23: “if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister.” Now, remember this was written some 30 years after Pentecost. The gospel had spread to the whole known world. No internet, to phones, etc. The few apostles that traveled could not have done all this by themselves. How did it happen? Personal evangelism. Too often today we leave it up to the preachers. Yes, they have their responsibility, but they had helpers — everyday Christians who were carrying out the Great Commission.
We have too many churches that are dying today. We need the spirit of the early Christians. This is why I and others are preaching on personal evangelism. I know Brent Hunter and others have some good lessons on this, and this writer has done a series for various churches. Brethren, as our nation turns further and further away from God, we must go out and spread the Good News!
Jesus told the disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest" (Matthew 9:37-38). Now, are you the answer to God’s prayer?
Source article link: From Lavista church of Christ website

Historia de Panera Bread
Our evangelism team meets on Tuesday night at Panera Bread near the USF college. We noticed a group doing Bible studies at the same time, (7 PM).
The man who hosts/teaches this Bible study group is newly married and in his late 20's. I noticed that every 2-3 weeks they get a new visitor to their group, I asked this young man what he does. He and his wife go to Walmart every week and generate conversations with people and then give an invite to Panera Bread Bible studies, which is right up the street from this grocery store.
They seek opportunities to ask people questions. This generates dialogue and leads to an invitation. They are aware of their environment, and seek things to comment on and ask questions about. He says there are rejections. But there are also successes. That in a nutshell is evangelism.
Team: The more you practice this the easier it gets. And the more natural you'll become at doing these types of interactions This man encourages his group to invite people to their weekly Tuesday evening Bible studies too. Remember evangelism is mentorship.
Let me detail this more...I encourage you to read the book "Cold Approach" in the Evangelism 3 in one booklet I wrote. It's a few dollars but shows you examples, descriptive stories, training principles, and application ideas on how to approach people to talk and engage.
This Bible class teacher, leader, and evangelist created a group at Panera Bread and is growing the group through evangelism. 2 Tim 2:2 But that's not enough. There is an example that he shared with me: A friend of his who is from USF was discouraged, he was doing evangelism and invested much time in the process of converting, after many seasons this guy now has two groups that have come about by the persist lifestyle commitment given to sharing Jesus. The team leader is aiming to get to that point someday.
I don't know everything that this group believes or teaches. Nor am I endorsing a religious affiliation. But I do know they are actively following the Great Commission as Jesus taught in His life, by example. A Commission lived purposefully by the lifestyle commitment of the Apostles, disciples, and early church. For this reason, I share the story here of what I learned.
Something to remember: A good evangelist is always seeking, always hungry, always learning, always growing, and always doing outreach in life. And as he or she develops they find ways to mentor others in outreach work.

Nota: Es importante aprender y practicar los ejercicios anteriores en publicaciones anteriores sobre cómo generar conversaciones/dar invitaciones antes de comenzar con el siguiente contenido de capacitación.
Segunda fase de la evangelización de la amistad
Hablar con la gente y hacer preguntas ayuda a generar debates. En nuestras publicaciones anteriores en esta página y en las clases que impartimos, hemos resumido este tema. Hemos mencionado que la "evangelización en eventos" (como tocar puertas, actividades de difusión en campus, actividades de vendedores en centros comerciales, mercados de pulgas, ferias, etc.) ayuda a que la gente esté más preparada y cómoda para hacer "evangelización de amistad". Cuando puedes hablar con alguien e invitarlo a un evento (de evangelización) a la iglesia o a inscribirse o unirse a un estudio bíblico, esta actividad te ayuda a desensibilizarte y a sentirte más cómodo al invitar a la gente a la iglesia o a un estudio bíblico en tu vida diaria.
Si los practicas cada mañana, los rituales que hemos delineado en esta página de oración y estudio bíblico también te prepararán para ser más consciente de dar invitaciones. Las publicaciones y clases anteriores nos han enseñado a buscar oportunidades y a dar invitaciones a la iglesia o a unirse a un estudio bíblico. La segunda fase (una vez que hayas invitado a las personas a la iglesia o al estudio bíblico) es aprender a generar una discusión bíblica o un estudio con alguien que conozcas.
Describiré dos enfoques diferentes . Practicaremos cada semana el aprendizaje de uno de estos enfoques. Comenzaremos con ejercicios de juego de roles (de invitar a personas a la iglesia o al estudio bíblico) que hemos abordado en la publicación anterior en esta página/en las clases.
Luego, pase a utilizar estos ejercicios para generar una discusión o un estudio bíblico, utilizando uno de los métodos que destacaré a continuación. Nuestra clase se centrará en aprender un método a la vez y, después de conocerlos, tendrán la herramienta para compartir a Jesús.

Un buen evangelista siempre está aprendiendo. Nosotros hemos aprendido de la excelente formación y experiencia de JP Flores. Hemos estudiado a otros ganadores de almas, Max Dawson, Benjamin Lee, etc. Todos aquellos de quienes aprendemos están haciendo un trabajo que sigue el modelo del Nuevo Testamento y que es bíblico en materia de enseñanza a los perdidos.
El enfoque de Jon Rowes
First method: Jon Rowe's is an evangelist in CA. What I do know of his work in matters of sharing Jesus impresses me. His outreach method of getting a Bible study started, after talking with someone you meet has converted others to the Lord.
His training and lifestyle commitment to soul-saving has made Jon Rowe one of the best evangelists in the country. By God's working, he has generated (through actively sharing the Word) about 40 baptisms a year. He retains about 35 percent of those he brings to the Lord. You can Facebook friend him to see the baptisms and personal evangelism work he does. He shares this on his profile page.
Jon Rowe learned this approach from WeCare ministry. WeCare was founded by Larry and supported by his wife Peggy West. This training group used to go to COC congregations and train them in outreach. They used to be active in the US. WeCare would go door-knocking in groups of 100s (for a week event) and bring 100s to Jesus.
WeCare ministry also recorded their success stats on the door-knocking events they did. Here is an article of success they say they've had doing door-knocking. They have a reported 40-50 retention rate of keeping those they save, (through Christ). But this comes from a supportive group dynamic, (like weekly grounding/teaching new converts in Bible studies, including them in worship activities and spiritual activities/outreach work outside of the church, befriending new converts/having them in homes, getting church members to build bonds with them, etc. ) which helps with that scenario. Here is WeCares event schedule if interested in reading it. They used the tools Jon Rowe used, (which we'll cover in this post and future training group classes).
WeCare made/Jon Rowe use StarBible.com to share the salvation story. The marked-up Bible has a step-by-step process where it has you turn to verse number one, to share a truth, then to verse number 2, etc. The teaching comes straight from the Bible and takes about an hour to share.
You can use your own Bibles to mark up the same areas if wished. You can see the Bible chain passages laid out in detail for study here. Jon Rowe has two StarBibles, which he uses to teach and to have the other person use to follow in the study. Common excuses and common yes responses are listed by WeCare ministries and by brother Jon Rowe, for people to role play (one as teacher and the other as the person being approached). The document is called "Salvation Flow Chart."

Historia de éxito De Jon Rowe : ¡Denise y Levi fueron bautizados en Cristo hoy! Recibí esta maravillosa noticia de mi hermano Tim Roth (centro de la foto), que es el ganador de almas. Él compartió el evangelio con estas dos almas y tuvo el placer de unirlas a Jesús en el bautismo.
El hermano Tim me escribió y me dijo: “Hoy hace 2 años que cambiaste mi vida para siempre al enseñarme cómo ganar almas”.
Iglesia, necesito decirles que el hermano Tim es un nuevo cristiano que nunca había guiado a un alma a Cristo hasta que asistió a mi Taller de Ganadores de Almas. Ahora ha bautizado a 45 personas en Cristo en 2 años.
Lea más testimonios y obtenga más información sobre cómo comunicarse con Jon Rowe (si lo desea) aquí .
Si no eres parte de nuestro grupo de evangelismo y estás buscando un taller de capacitación eficaz, te recomiendo encarecidamente a Jon Rowe.

Jon Rowe bautizando a alguien en Cristo
1 - Juego de roles
Presente/realice el cuadro de juego de roles y comparta el material "Tres prácticas diarias de evangelización para hacer en la evangelización de la amistad" con el grupo para las primeras clases.
Para las siguientes clases: Después de mostrarles a los estudiantes cómo hacer estas actividades...
A. Recuerde a los estudiantes que deben recordar leer diariamente y realizar las acciones del documento "Tres prácticas diarias de evangelización para realizar en la evangelización de la amistad".
B. Luego, haga que cada grupo se divida en parejas de dos y practique la representación de roles en clase.

Para la dramatización, primero practicaremos cómo dar invitaciones a la iglesia o para que nos acompañen en un estudio bíblico. En segundo lugar, practicaremos cómo hablar para generar una discusión o un estudio bíblico con alguien.
Los materiales para estudiar
A. Documento de escenarios de juego de roles
B. Formas de practicar la entrega de invitaciones en el juego de roles
C. El documento “ Tres prácticas diarias de evangelización para realizar en pos de la evangelización de la amistad ”.
Hemos cubierto este plan de estudios en clases anteriores y su uso se explica en publicaciones anteriores en nuestra página de capacitación sobre evangelismo. Lo cubriremos en nuestras próximas clases grupales de evangelismo. Pero si desea revisar lo que se cubrió, tenemos los detalles de capacitación de este material enumerados en publicaciones anteriores.
2 - Práctica docente
Presente la StarBible y el material del diagrama de flujo de Salvación al grupo para la primera clase.
A. El diagrama de flujo de la salvación muestra al evangelista planteando preguntas y al contacto dando respuestas comunes. Se anima a nuestro grupo a aprender lo que suelen decir los no cristianos y a partir de esos comentarios aprender qué decir en respuesta para intentar generar un estudio bíblico.
Este cuadro se puede utilizar como un divertido juego de rol. El cuadro también enseña a las personas cómo iniciar un estudio bíblico con alguien.
B. Después de la primera clase - Para las siguientes clases: Después de mostrarles a los estudiantes cómo hacer estas actividades, haga que cada grupo se divida en parejas de dos y que practiquen cómo dar esta enseñanza bíblica a la clase. Esto corresponde a una dramatización.
Lea en casa para familiarizarse regularmente con el material de antemano antes de cada clase.

Escuche/vea la grabación de la clase en video de nuestro grupo de evangelismo aquí .
Lea nuestro primer documento didáctico de clases sobre las etapas y cómo utilizar este currículo.
Puede leer el diseño de StarBible en este documento para tener una idea del contenido y practicar este material.
El documento tiene una letra más grande y quizás sea más fácil de usar para familiarizarse con el contenido. Haga clic aquí para descargarlo e imprimirlo.
The material to study
A. The StarBible
B. The "Salvation Flow Chart" document
Here is a video of me explaining how to use these items.
Note: After you watch the video. Look at the picture below. It will help further give the context/explanation for the "Salvation Flow Chart." Click on the picture to download it as a PDF document.
If you want to learn more and are hungry, you can watch the training video by Jon Rowe explaining how to use these items. It's pretty long. But it is worth the investment.
Here are sermon videos of his workshops for those interested.
Sexta clase de evangelización de la Amistad
Vídeo sexto: grabación de vídeo realizada por un miembro del equipo de evangelismo:
Estudio bíblico sobre cómo establecer una mentalidad de invitación y sincronizar el comportamiento al hacer invitaciones. Se detallan los juegos de roles y las rutinas matutinas. Pero consulte nuestros documentos para obtener más información sobre el estudio y la aplicación. También cubrimos los ministerios WeCare y el método de estudio bíblico en vivo de Jon Rowe.
Vídeo de clase de capacitación sobre evangelización de la amistad.
Grabado el 9.10.24
Clase impartida por Joseph Sullivan
Ubicación Panera Bread
Nos reunimos en Panera Bread para discutir temas de evangelización bíblica:
Sexta clase de evangelización de la Amistad
Video seven: an audio recording made cell phone.
We practiced role-playing exercises on how to give invites for church/Bible study. We also practiced role-playing exercises on
how to set up a live Bible study. Our group role-played/taught/went over the Star Bible teaching material. This material is from WeCare ministries and evangelist Jon Rowe.
Training class video on friendship evangelism.
Recorded 9.17.24
Class taught by Joseph Sullivan
Location Panera Bread
7th Friendship evangelism class video.
For more Friendship evangelism classes see our YouTube channel's playlist of evangelism groups videos.

Aprenda a compartir la fe en las conversaciones
Segundo método: Si alguien está hablando contigo de cosas espirituales y no tienes una Biblia, existen guiones memorizados que puedes usar e insertar en las conversaciones para compartir el plan de salvación y la verdadera iglesia.
Nuestro grupo practicará y representará estos guiones socialmente para ayudar a sincronizar su discurso y compartir dicho contenido en la vida cotidiana y en las conversaciones, y para familiarizarse y memorizar mejor el contenido. Se animará al grupo a leer y estudiar los guiones también en casa. Yo usé el guion de salvación en conversaciones y he tenido personas que desean ser bautizadas. Este es un proceso y llevará tiempo aprenderlo, pero vale la pena.
Para obtener más información sobre estos scripts, puede descargarlos aquí para leerlos. Los scripts se denominan enfoques de "One Shot". Lea los documentos para obtener más información sobre ellos.

Hacer que el grupo sea autosuficiente:
Creating self-reliance in group members:
Automating the groups: We will meet at the same place, time, and day each month and will break up into groups of two to role-play the curriculum, (rotating between one being the teacher and the other the student in delivering the content).
When head teachers can't make it, the group will be encouraged to meet. They will know how to teach the material and work with one another. The goal is to not need leaders heading it up. But to train students to be self-sufficient.
Our evangelism events will become automated as well. We'll meet at the same last week of each month and primarily do the same type of evangelism events, (gym evangelism) though we may spice it up from time to time by doing campus outreach our door-knocking. By doing the same activities again and again, we are getting our group familiar, comfortable, and experienced, in doing that outreach format.
After 6-12 months the team members will be (individually) asked if they are able to head up a new gym location themselves. They will be by then, fully exposed to what items are used for this work, (table, backpack/evangelism materials, etc). They will know (by experience) the process of gym outreach. Repeated events done by our members will make them ready and equipped to head up a work. This same format can be used for heading up a door-knocking event, campus event, street evangelism event, etc The goal is to make leaders who can head up events. The more leaders the stronger the group will be in team spirit and longevity. If an evangelism group only has one leader and that leader falls, due to health, death, or moves away, etc. that group dies. The goal of evangelism is mentorship. We want to make leaders from followers. We want to help our group grow.
Monthly Tuesday evangelism class: Jone Rowe and later "One Shot"
We will meet each month on Tuesday at 7 PM at Panera Bread. We will break into groups of two. These groups will go over/role-play ways of doing friendship evangelism invites and go over morning prep, see "activities" above in the Jon Rowe section. They then will practice the WeCare approach method. Rotating per class between one being the teacher and the other the student.
After 3 months, we will also practice/using using "One Shot" scripts (instead of WeCare) for 3 months, then rotate back. Rinse and repeat.
The students will get familiar with the content of Jon Rowe and "One Shot" to the level of being able to teach new group members they are paired with, (in groups of two) these concepts. When the head leader is not at a class, the group members will know what do to and how to do it. And will be able to step up and keep the group moving forward. Down the road, (when they are ready) our group members will be encouraged to form their own groups and train their members in these formats. The teaching that is outlined here will prepare our group members to do this.
This group is about leaders making leaders: The goal of stage two of our work, is to make leaders. To encourage training, teaching, and leadership. Getting people to take charge, when no head leader is with the group and later to be encouraging this behavior in a group without any head leaders in a group, is part of this process. We will also encourage the group members to step up and head an evangelism event location, once they have been at that location/done the work for a few months.
Monthly Tuesday evangelism class: Home Bible study
On Tuesday at 7 PM, at Panera Bread, we will go over grounding materials, from the Home Bible Study by Johnie Edwards. We will spend 3 months having the students practice teaching these materials, familiarizing themselves with the content, and getting apt at sharing it. We will meet at the same place, time, and day to go over this material. Each person will get a chance to teach. Once everyone gets together and chats for a bit we will split up into groups of 2's. One person will be the teacher and the other person the student. For each class, we'll rotate the teachers and student roles. Even if the head leader is sick out of town, the classes will be encouraged to continue. The group will know what to do and how to do the materials. This format will make this group automated and self-sufficient. Non-Christians will be encouraged to join these groups (Jon Rowe and Home Bible Study). One of the group member teachers will split into a mini group with them and study. Group members can invite their friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to these groups and can study with them or have another group member, (if wished) study with them.
We may change to other teaching formats down the road, but these outlined teaching structures will be the team's default, to go back to when a team leader is sick, out of town, etc. These structures once practiced for the first 3 months, will become automated. The group members will be given roles in teaching/leadership positions that enable the group to keep this work going, even if the head team leader is disabled from supporting this work for a time. Even if the team leader steps down, the group can keep going and will be encouraged too. They will be self-sufficient enough to keep this work going, without co-dependency on their past team leader. After the first 3 months, the group members will be familiar with and apt enough to teach new members how to do these formats. The group members will be encouraged to teach new members when they split into groups of two.
Our group's digital document that the evangelism teacher will share with our team members for our upcoming classes and events.
Annual special classes:
Our Bible studies will also have special classes from time to time, showing how to teach Bible truths to Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhists, Islamists, atheists, and agonistics, using their own books. The points in my Bible Memory cards (at the bottom of the website) will be part of the class. I'll try to record these classes.
Monthly evangelism infield activities:
Our evangelism events will give our team a chance to practice interacting with others, giving invites, and doing activities from the themes they learn from the WeCare/Star Bible. They will also get a chance to create discussions from the One Shot lessons, and even share Bible study ideas/even do studies from the Bible memory card classes.
Evangelism events are great for practicing new things learned and for personal growth in interacting with people.
Our friendship evangelism monthly events will also be chances for growth in these areas.
Church planting:
We will also encourage the group to join our church planting model. I will be planting a church and for those interested they can join. It will be like another training class. I'll have it outside of regular Sunday times of worship, so our team can still attend their local congregations if wished. We will go over church growth materials and take the evangelism steps to grow and retain members. The structure of this planted church will be centered around evangelism, mentorship, and making leaders. This church planting will give students first-hand experience in church planting work, and effective church growth strategies.
Learn more about this work at the church planting blog.
Monthly Calendar:
Week one: A. - Soul saving/invite classes
Tuesdays - 7 PM at Panera Bread, we will teach Bible themes on how to do lifestyle/friendship evangelism. We will do exercises to help people learn/get comfortable with inviting others to Bible studies/church. They will also learn how to talk to others about spiritual things and share the gospel with the lost. These classes will help us pass it on, to teach as we have been taught. (2 Timothy 2:2)
Week two: B. - Infield training
We will meet at a college, mall, or some other social setting to practice what we learn from our lifestyle/friendship evangelism class. The goal is to get acclimated and comfortable with approaching people. The goal is to do what each group member is comfortable with doing. They can smile, wave, say hi, etc. As they do what they are comfortable with doing they will be able to engage more socially as time moves on as we on as we do these events. We will also encourage our members to try to interact with people throughout the week.
Week three: C. - New convert training classes:
Tuesday - 7 PM at Panera Bread, we will teach themes for new converts/Christians. These themes will lay solid foundations and be useful for grounding them in the core truths of the Word. These classes will be used to teach new converts/Christians. But they also can be used to teach non-Christians who come. What the group learns from these classes can be used to teach others. This class will educate our group on how to teach and familiarize them with excellent materials.
Week four: D. - Evangelism event:
On the last week of the month, we will do an evangelism event. We'll meet up to either do door knocking, campus vendor work or gym vendor outreach. We may also do other events each year. The goal is to share Jesus. But we also want to train people in these types of outreach formats and make leaders in doing event evangelism. The more people trained the more events we can do on our event day at the end of the month. The more events our members do the more acclimated our group will get in doing such activities. These event activities will also help us get more comfortable with doing friendship evangelism.
Calendar document file here
When we meet for these monthly classes:
We will meet together talk, and then break up into smaller groups of two, for our teaching classes. One person will be the teacher, and the other person will be the student. The teaching format will be detailed beforehand. Afterwards the group reforms and we can chat and hang out, till people want to leave.
These classes will be automated. We will meet at the same time, the same place on the same days to go over the same training formats. This will become natural and instinctive. Even when a team leader can't make it, the group will know what to do. With time those who are familiarize with this structure can step into the role as leader to head up this work. As we grow we will branch of into other locations and have more leaders for each location.
Structure: One will teach, and the other will listen. That same group will rotate at the next class.
The groups can be formed into new groups for the following classes. Rinse and repeat.
For visitors, they can choose to just listen. But for church members, all are encouraged to teach.
It's a Bible command we need to grow in and practice.
What we learn as teachers will help us become mentors, leaders, and better skilled in instructing the young and old alike.
By doing this work we will become comfortable with teaching Christians and non-Christians.
Christian women will teach women. Preteens and teenagers and up will practice teaching in these small groups.
The classes are best to be prepared for ahead of time by all the saints. Teachers and students are encouraged to have a notepad for answering Bible class questions and for taking notes.
After we all meet up at Panera Bread and chat for a bit, we'll break up into groups of two. The head teacher or one of the students can explain/show how to do this format. It's not that difficult to do/figure out.

Evangelización de amistad en el campo
Actividades prácticas:
Once a month, on the second week, we'll add a new element to our group work. We'll focus on doing infield friendship evangelism practice activities. This will be fun. I personally do the following format to hone my skills and get further acclimated to pushing my comfort zone levels out. The experience, ideas, and methods for talking with people that I learned that can help you, are in the "Cold Approach" section of my book. "Making It Work: Three Proven Techniques for Evangelism" I encourage you to read it.
Infield friendship evangelism practice activities:
The evangelism group members can meet up with me at a designated area at a nearby mall, busy city park, or college, and focus for an hr. to work on moving up the levels I'll outline below. The goal is desensitization and building up a comfort level with social interactions. After an hr., we'll meet up at a local restaurant, food court, or coffee shop to talk, relax, eat/drink, connect, and if wished talk about the experience.
Here are the steps. The group member can stay at any of these steps during the event or future events till he/she feels comfortable with moving forward to the next step. It's not a race, it's a step-by-step growing process of development. These steps can also be practiced alone when running errands or when doing work/social activities throughout the day. Visualization also helps. Thinking about scenarios (with your imagination) where you're doing the below steps (in detail) helps rewire the brain to be more comfortable with doing these social patterns. Though not as effective as physically doing these steps. Visualization can help with the process of more quickly adapting to such social interactions.
Friendship evangelism steps:
Step one: wave at people.
Step two: greet people, you can say "hi," or "good morning," etc.
Step three: leave a Bible study card or a church card on a table, at a bathroom stall, or on a bulletin board, etc.
Step four: Figure out ways to give an invite. You can simply do nothing more than just come up to someone and give an invite to church or a Bible study, and give a person a card. It may be easiest to begin with a cashier when ordering a drink, like Starbucks, or someone behind the "check out" desk at a business. The more you practice this the more you can do this anywhere.
Step five: You can introduce yourself and share your church, then give a church invite card or your Bible study invite card. An example of what evangelist Max Dawson does is, “My name is Max, and I worship at Dowlen Rd. Church, I’d love for you to come by and visit.” And then he gives that person a card.
Step six: You can ask someone a question to get a response and a discussion going. Then given an invite. The easiest folks are the staff at restaurants, malls, gyms, colleges, etc. You can think of questions to ask ahead of time. The more you do this method the easier it gets.
Step seven You can ask someone a question to get a response and a discussion going. When asking questions to generate a conversation, transition to talking to people about spiritual things, like sharing one's salvation experience or Bible scripture on heavenly truths like church, salvation, etc. Then give an invite to a Bible study or church.
Step eight: when talking with folks do a live Bible study using Star Bible or you can talk to people about spiritual things/Bible ideas on salvation or the church in conversation using the One Shot approach, (once we cover that in our classes).
The content is in PDF file document form here
Want motivation?
Listen to uplifting evangelism sermons by men who are on fire for Christ.
These are from the North Blvd COC gospel meeting sermons.
These were given to me to use/share by permission by Elder Bill Sullivan.
Evangelism gospel meeting series
By Ricky Shanks
By Dan DeGarmo
Also, tune into the video podcast "Leading Other to Christ." You'll hear success stories, positive thoughts, and great evangelism ideas from faithful evangelists from around the US country.
Read our end of year
Evangelism Report
for 2024

Año nuevo 2025
First group evangelism class video for 2025
First evangelism prep class for beginning this years work for 2025
Video one: an audio recording made on a cell phone. Our first evangelism meeting for 2025. We discussed our goals, plans, schedule, and work for the new year. Many golden thoughts and advice were shared by those who were at the meeting—many thanks to them.
The group will pray for each other as we lift Him up. Prayer, praise, planning, patience, and perseverance are the 5 "P" in evangelism. Our group is going to support each other in prayer. We will praise God for His help. We will plan for this work. We will be patient. Evangelism is a process, not a microwave dinner. We will regularly and faithfully follow the Great Commission. If we sow sparingly we will reap sparingly. We will sow often for our Lord. The good that will be done will be through Christ. To God be the glory.🔥💯
Recorded 01.18.25
Class taught by Joseph Sullivan. Group leader JP Flores helped.
Location: Sullivan home
"Discipleship for KingJesus" book can be found here
Our class content material for this meeting can be downloaded Word here and in PDF here

Second evangelism prep class for beginning this years work for 2025
Video two: an audio recording made on a cell phone. Our second evangelism meeting for 2025.
We gathered together on Saturday to talk about group dynamics, in matters of community and communication The class detailed our monthly evangelism schedule, and vendor gym outreach. Also in our meeting, the class went over friendship evangelism, success stories, nursing home soul-saving work, and more....
The mentioned books, resources and study materials can be found on our website pages that are on our evangelism training platform.
Recorded 02.8.25
Class taught by Joseph Sullivan.
Location: Sullivan home
Second group evangelism class video for 2025

Scattering the seeds
Never underestimate the Word or God's providence. I've had people come to the Lord with our work, who first had someone else plant the seed. A tract, a Muscle and Shovel book, a Bible DVD on salvation, a spiritual Bible conversation, a church of Christ card, etc. are seeds being planted. They may take root in this season, or in 10 years from now. You may see the results, but you very well may not. They may meet someone else in the area, or in the state, or in another part of the country, when they move for work, etc. Too many saints expect immediate results when doing one or two events and they expect to have those results displayed for them to see. These things do happen. But not always.
Evangelism is not a microwave dinner or a neon sign. Evangelism is about God's grace, God's time, if we persist in doing good. Faithfully following the Great Commission yields a harvest but we must pray, persist, and trust. You may get an immediate result and tangible—visible signs of success. We went door-knocking last year and after one event we got a Bible study which continued at Panera Bread. However such circumstances are not always the rule for outreach.
Around 5 years ago I had multiple Bible studies with two Mormon missionaries in CA. I was a preacher there for a short time, till my dad got cancer and I moved back to Tampa Florida to be there for him. During these studies, we talked about Bible truths and the Book of Mormon. One of the students was troubled with what he heard. This young man showed himself very thoughtful, in matters of truth and spiritual in his desire to please God.
On our final study, I gave him a book on salvation, Bible authority, and worship.
A few weeks ago, he found me online on a social media sermon page I made and messaged me. He took a picture of the book I gave him, as well as the message I wrote on the back cover of the front page, and sent it to me. His message said "I was a Mormon missionary who studied with you one day. Found this again in my stuff and just wanted to say thank you again."

Evangelism is about mentorship
The article below is from denominational origins yet it has many applications and thoughts on mentorship in matters of evangelism work, classes, and infield training. In the book "Discipleship for King Jesus" we outline the BIble patterns Christ showed in working with His Apostles and disciples. We also read about Paul mentoring, young men, like Silas, Titus, etc. Mentorship is Biblical and the ideas below outline effective mentorship ideas.
Our work focuses on these steps. We want to make leaders, mentors, self-reliant evangelists. Watch our classes and read our posts on our evangelism training pages to see this process in action. The book mentioned/referenced below has great points but requires a discerning eye. As in anything, test and compare with the scriptures. What we need is more COC books on mentorship, church planting, evangelism, and leadership. Too few books on these themes are out there in the brotherhood.
The Five Steps of Leadership Development
Wayne Hedlund
November 12, 2019
In today’s post, I thought I’d share their very simple formula for leadership development from Dave & Jon Ferguson’s book, Exponential: How You and Your Friends Can Start a Missional Church Movement. Don’t let the simplicity of these five steps deceive you. It is a time-tested process used to teach individuals how to build new skills, develop experience and eventually become experts in their field. It is how people usually learn how to sail, draw, play football or work a factory machine. If it works for those things, why not for leadership development as well?
The Five Steps of Leadership Development
by Dave & Jon Ferguson
1. I do. You watch. We talk.
As an experienced leader leads a team, an apprentice takes the time to observe him or her. Within a few days the two should meet to discuss what the apprentice has observed. This debriefing time should include three simple questions: (1) “What worked?” (2) “What didn’t work?” and (3) “How can we improve?” This time of debriefing needs to continue throughout the process.
2. I do. You help. We talk.
In this phase of development, the leader gives the apprentice an opportunity to help lead in a particular area. For example, if someone is being developed to lead a team, the leader might ask that person to lead the first two items on the agenda while the experienced leader leads the remainder of the time together. Again, this experience should be followed up with a one-on-one to talk.
3. You do. I help. We talk.
Now the apprentice transitions from supporting or helping the leader to taking on most of the leadership responsibilities of the team or group. If a person is being apprenticed to lead a team of sound technicians, he or she will operate the sound system and provide leadership for the other sound technicians. The more experienced leader now begins releasing responsibilities to the new, developing leader. As in the previous steps, the leader and apprentice leader should meet regularly to debrief the ministry experience.
4. You do. I watch. We talk.
The apprentice process is almost complete as the new leader grows increasingly more confident in his or her role. Consider how this step might look in our team leadership example. The seasoned leader, at this point, would give his or her apprentice the opportunity to fulfill all the functions of leadership, with the more experienced leader now looking on and watching the new leader in action.
5. You do. Someone else watches.
This is where the process of reproducing comes full circle. The former apprentice is now leading and begins developing a new apprentice. Ideally, the leader who has developed and released several apprentices will continue to work with those leaders in a coaching capacity.
Source: https://transformingleader.org/five-steps-of-leadership-development/